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Re: What do we have to look forward to?

...well, as the title so aptly put it, now there isn't really much to look forward to on this forum...lost Liddy, miss Chappy, rarely hear from any of the good ole posters...now Canada Grant; lights out? Too bad those with their thumbs down get punished by a few anonymous thumbs up. Hmmm...there's a thought; a thumbs down button. Maybe just some good old-fashioned common sense should prevail. My Dad used to say "you should be able to do or say as you please...as long as you're not hurting anyone else".

I think I'll take a break from the forum now as well after following for over two years. As far as CUU goes, I'm hanging in there until the end, still believe we'll see some return on our investment, bitterly disappointed in the timeline it has followed, pretty much feel the same as all of you do, both positive and negative.

A sincere Happy New Year to all of you!

Old Gray Mare...er, Lead Mare

over 10 years ago
Re: In for an Interesting Day ?

..."Go Dog Go"? or "Nadir Hears A What" ? (yeah, a little 'punchy' but that's ok because this reply to Nadir will probably be removed as it has absolutely nothing to do with CopperFox))

almost 11 years ago
Re: Storacle banned?

Yes, I, as well would like to know why Storacle has been banned.

almost 11 years ago
Re: SP

...and all I can hear is the echo of Webgogs post from many, many months ago;

"this will go to .40..."

I was well under water at that time and now I am drowned. I have the same average as yourself The Million; $ 1.25, well 1.24 but what's a penny at this point? My very patient partner is getting pretty panicky, platitudes and pathetic pandering pee him off (how's that for alliteration?). I am now minus one well developed sense of humour, a sizeable portion of our retirement fund and potentially the partner to enjoy it with (not, just being dramatic for effect). I never imagined that the fox would bite the hand (arse?) that feeds it though I was duly warned.

I think we are at the worst imaginable point in this and still feel that we will one day reap what we've sewn. Hopefully we'll be here and in good enough health to enjoy the harvest. Cheers Liddy !!

almost 11 years ago
Re: About those options ...


I sincerely hope you're right. Have a great weekend!

about 11 years ago
Re: Pretty good conversation today

Skyraider - "elaborate please"

The post he was referring to was removed. It had "Teck Walked" as the subject and was obviously inflammatory.

On another note - here's to Canada Day! Have a good long weekend all and may next week bring us cause to celebrate or at least get some clarifying news.

about 11 years ago
lead mare
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