larslines's Profile

larslines's Posts

Re: Insider trading...I spoke to Jeff

If you as an investor do not rely on second or third hand information, there is no need even mentioning it! Without a steady flow of news from the company I would take these discussions passing over to this board any time.

It's up to everyone how they interpret it

That said, I do not try to offend anybody here because it is trying times for the people invested and some might be in a state of vacuum.Uncertainty seems to creep under your skin, doesn't it?

If we can keep the well justified frustration within limits and rather spin out our positive attitude, we all will benefit. I am heavily invested in this company and still believe without doubt, I can prosper from my investment. Ups and downs is the name of this game and I honestly believe every great story made has these marks too.

Make this board what it once was and do not fail to trust why you invested.

I wish all fellow investors the best.

Kemo, without to ever see you in person, I know you to be trustful and honest!

over 12 years ago
Re: article on Peru rating upgrade

The article on Peru rating upgrade is encouraging.

I use Credicorp, BAP, as a sentiment-indicator for Peru investment, and while

being down from peaking in January, BAP has had a relatively steady climb since June.

Considering an ongoing valutacrisis and the prolonged hunger for real assets , I think Peru is one of the hottest candidate for investment purposes for the world leading powers, US, China and Russia.

US and China allready has a free trading agreement with Peru and now Russia, as a new

member of the WTO, is heading for a similar agreement in 2012.

It took the Chinese only one year to settle the agreement in dec. 2009, so Russia would likely have a deal settled sooner than later. Is this good? ...I do believe so...

The three mentioned power-nations hunger for resources could be the catalyst to transform Peru into something that would let the country prosper quite quickly and president Humala would be happy to take credit for it.

Even though politics is unpredictable of nature, there are signs of Peru emerging as an attractive and solid place to invest. My confidense In Kherson's "the perfect storm" is building.

over 12 years ago
Re: SLI News from China

This is for sure very encouraging.

Sculpins theory of a possible Chinese involvement with SLI was

"spot on". Great call Sculp!!!

almost 13 years ago
Re: Drill targets


You had a very valid and interesting question.

...but If your only interest was a short and incomplete answer from Sculpin, you had it all laid out in the two first sentences.

The rest of his explanation was for the non-grumpy readers that has the opportunity

to understand their investment in a educated way

This weeks info. has been outstanding!!!


almost 13 years ago
Re: UK Investors

I am the Scandinavian investor my friend Kemo is referring to.

I received the proxy ballot in the mail well in time, and actually the same day

several of you stated you received yours in Ca.

Originally my shares were held in a margin account, where shorters were able

to borrow them and use their tactic against me. If you are long on SLI be sure that you keep your shares safe from manipulation that works against your goal!!!


almost 13 years ago
don't feed the sharks

I am a long time reader and will express my gratitude to the hub-leaders.

The importance of what they do and the difficulties they are dealing with

must not be underrated .

However, here is an observation from TheDon2 recent posts.

"quote" - I just found out about SLI

"quote"- So now that things have settled here thought I would climb aboard and am pumped about the SS St. Elias coming true.

To be a newbie on this hub TheDon2 sure are familiar with the jargon...SS St. Elias coming true.

I use the word "jargon" because it is a expression that are used by a partucular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand...see?

Stay long and dont feed the sharks.

almost 13 years ago
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