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Northern Miner full page IBK (POET) ad

Forgive me if this has already been posted, I must admit I have not been able to keep up with the forum in the last few weeks so maybe I missed if this has already been posted.

Anyway, sat down at our morning meeting today and grabbed the closest magazine to kill a few minutes before everyone got organized. Well cut me in half and call me a jelly doughnut, literally the first page I flip in the latest edition of the Northern Miner has a full page IBK ad touting gallium arsenide and POET Technologies. Pretty cool to see on a Monday morning!

If you click to read and flip the first page you will see it.

Again, sorry if this has been posted already, just thought I'd share in case it was not.

over 9 years ago
Re: Silicon Semiconductors Obsolete? Alex Lidow Plans to Make It So - Bloomberg Bus

IMO, great marketing line from this article:

"A wholesale move to GaN-based transistors in these types of products, Mishra estimates, would save about 40 nuclear power plants’ worth of electricity worldwide per year."

Obviously there are some holes in this statement and we can argue for days about what size of nuclear plant makes up the 40, yada yada (like the twice per week charge...), etc. etc., but it gives the reader a real sense of difference. They could have compared to coal/gas plants or a bunch of hydro dams, but when a lot of people hear anything about nukes it typically has some impact because it is such a polarized topic.

Anyway, don't comment often (ever), but would love to see similar type comparisons from POET in the future :)

over 9 years ago
No audio / video from Techcon :(

Hello all,

Don't post much (or ever), but have been reading this and other un-named B-board for years.

I was curious if there was any video or audio available from the keynote speech, was really interested to hear Ajit speak. I asked the question right to SRCEA and this was the response below... unfortuneatly. Just thought you all might like to know that any info will be word of mouth from someone who was there.

Hi -

There is no audio or video from the keynote speech by Ajit Manocha.


Shannon M. Geddes

Vice Chair - TECHCON

SRCEA Operations Manager

Semiconductor Research Corporation


2014TECHCON-email_iconfacebook button

Sorry if the formatting is messed up.

about 10 years ago


Things finally looking up. Plans well under way to ramp up production on the mid-west project.

over 16 years ago
Re: New to Denison

Hey petesfiles

You pretty much summed it up. No reason, in my mind however, that this stock should have crashed to where it is. Definetly a good buying opp., but I was also saying that in the $9 range.

Good solid company on the verge of becoming a solid producer. Hopefully we gain some ground soon because with the price so cheap right now we are an attractive target. Would be nice to be at least in the low to mid teens before a potential buyout. Then she would fly pretty good, IMHO.

Looking forward to a good year of production ahead.


 P.s. Been very busy with work lately. Not much time to check in at any of the forumns.

over 16 years ago
Maybe interesting for us?

Cameco profit rises , may consider acquisitions

Cameco Corp's (CCO.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) profit jumped 52.5 percent in the fourth quarter despite shortfalls at its nuclear fuel division, the company said on Wednesday, while its chief executive suggested the company may soon be on the prowl for acquisitions.

Cameco, the world's top uranium producer, has largely stayed out of the mining M&A boom over the last three years, a decision some have criticized as short-sighted, particularly as uranium spot prices jumped to record highs last year.

Speaking on a conference call, however, Chief Executive Jerry Grandey said the recent weakness in equity markets had pulled stock valuations down to the point where large deals might again be appealing.

"We're certainty getting closer. We've seen a pretty dramatic decline (in valuations,)" he said.

The world's top uranium producer earned C$61 million, or 17 Canadian cents a share, in the quarter, up from a year-earlier C$40 million, or 11 Canadian cents a share, but the results lagged the analysts' estimate of 46 Canadian cents a share.

This was largely due to a steep pretax loss of C$36 million from the company's nuclear fuel services division, which was hit last year by the discovery of contaminated soil at its Port Hope, Ontario, conversion plant. The plant was shut and is expected to reopen in the third quarter.

"Clearly we didn't fully anticipate the extent of the effects of the clean-up and shut down at Port Hope on the earnings," said Raymond Goldie, an analyst at Salman Partners.

Revenue slipped to C$494 million from $512 million, but Cameco said its results were helped by a 49 percent rise in realized uranium prices, which offset the impact of a 39 percent drop in uranium sales volumes.

For 2008, Cameco expects consolidated revenue from its nuclear fuel and electricity businesses to increase 3 percent to 10 percent, mainly due to higher revenue from the uranium side. Capital spending on its core businesses is expected to rise 77 percent to C$534 million.

Cameco said its share of uranium production for 2008 is projected to total about 21 million pounds, up slightly from the 2007 figure because of the anticipated start of commercial production at its Inkai mine in Kazakhstan.


The company's shares eased slightly amid a generally weaker stock market on Wednesday. The shares were hit hard over much of the last year, falling more than 40 percent from highs hit last June.

In addition to Port Hope, the company has been hurt by continued delays in overhauling its flooded Cigar Lake uranium mine in Saskatchewan and by performance and licensing issues at its Centerra Gold (CG.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) subsidiary.

Goldie said the shares, which slid 13 Canadian cents to C$32.19 on the Toronto Stock Exchange, were "woefully undervalued".

Cigar Lake, which flooded in 2006, is now expected to open in 2011 at the earliest. Cameco said on Wednesday it believes it has sealed off the water inflow area, and hopes to pump water out of the mine in the second half of 2008, after which it will be able to give a firmer production start update.

Past expectations were for the mine to eventually produce 18 million pounds of uranium annually, more than 10 percent of global supply.

over 16 years ago
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