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Something's not right....

Draft Only Morons

Do Only Transform

Land Form On Story

To Fry Moron Lands

.....guess whose name produces all these anagrams?

(and considering the views of the mooooonbat progs who think conservative areas such as Charleston are land areas full of morons that need transformation, it would seem that another story would be needed to politicize a common long term goal among despots and tyrants throughout history.....)

over 9 years ago

how did the elections go for the dems?

Not that calling for and supporting the impeachment of the usurping emporer last summer would have made a difference or anything....

hey debbie, my advice came for free. (GOOD THING YOU DIDN'T LISTEN, THOUGH...)

over 9 years ago
OK, so it's looking like it will not happen...

I can not think of a single thing that would delay the mid term election long enough for impeachment action brought about by the dems.

Nothing in the news that would require a delay of the mid-term election brought about by a general quarantine of the population, travel restrictions and subsequent martial law. That is all konspiracy tin-foil hat crazy talk.

Nope, he ain't gonna be impeached no matter how late the mid-term election is held (if ever).

What was I thinking?????

Just saying it would be BY the mid-term election... well, rest assured, that is less than five weeks away. Guaranteed.

So my big, bold prediction is a fail at this point, and forever into the future.

almost 10 years ago
Planned for years....

4. Really good stuff, and yet another manifestation of the whole “get past the 36 hour news cycle and you’re as safe as a kitten” dynamic – remember Jill Kelley, the creepy skanky lady who ended up getting both Gen. Petraeus and Gen. John Allen in hot water sufficient to bring about both of their resignations? Well, Allen has just been appointed by the Obama regime as some sort of civilian commander of the fake ISIS operation. Read up both HERE at Conservative Treehouse, and then definitely HERE for Debbie Schlussel’s piece on “Jill Kelley”, real name Gilberte Khawam of the Beirut Khawams from November ARSH 2012, and then don’t miss THIS PIECE from the Tampa Tribune reporting on Kelley being recruited by an Afghani MP as a lobbyist, a position which she happily took saying on the record, “”I am honored to resume my focus to promote cross-cultural dialogue and global trust for a peaceful and strategic exit to help our U.S. and Coalition forces transition out of Afghanistan.” This woman is allegedly a doctor’s wife who loves to shop and throw dinner parties (for some reason) for flag officers at McDill AFB. Riiiiight. Youbetcha. And Mata Hari was just a misunderstood Hindu dance enthusiast.

about 10 years ago
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