krymeariver59's Profile

krymeariver59's Posts

Opt In Agreement


Longtime shareholder. I have followed the board for many years. Just wanted to give back a little. I have a copy of the Opt In agreement. If you give me your email address, I will email you a copy. I would prefer to discuss a couple things with you first before you post the agreement. In essence, the way I read it, Gowlings fee is 9.0% of the "additional" amount recovered above and beyond what you would normallly receive from the award. Does not appear that we have to turn over our shares but the board can decide the benefits and disadnantages (If there are any) for themselves.

over 8 years ago
Two of Three Judges Chosen For ISID

Received a reply back from Richard Marshall last week. He indicated that two of the three judges have been chosen for ICID. The first judge is from the United States and is the Dean of Villanova Law School. The second panelist is a Supreme Court Judge from the Philippines and also serves as a Senior Legal Advisor to the WTO. He said the third and presiding judge should be appointed anytime.

I also asked him if Crystallex is still in control of the technical information on Las Christinas. He indicated that that Crystallex did not submit any more or less data and technical reports in Venezuela than any other of their peers. He said the documents and report excerps that were filed were those required under the Mining Law. I asked him this question because it appears that Gold Reserve has retained technical information that Venezuela was trying to compel them to turn over. I will pass along anything else that might be useful if its relevant.

about 13 years ago
For Whatever Its Worth

I have been using this board for the last few years mainly to pick up any information that I might find useful. For those that provided all the DD, I thank you. I email Richard about once a month and I'm more than willing to share if anybody is interested. Anything Richard says you have to take with a grain of salt. With that being said, I ask him this morning when he thought the sales of the mining equipment would be finalized. His response was as follows: "The company is in discussions/negotiations with other groups and is shooting for sales in June/July." Obviously, restructuring/refinancing the notes that are due in Dec is the immediate and primary goal if we (shareholders) are going to benefit from an arbitration award. With that in mind I asked Richard if the company was trying to restructure/refinance the notes with just the existing noteholders or are their other options? His response was: "The company has had discussions with reps of current note holders regarding a restructure and investment banks and new potential investors regarding a refinance."

The last question was realted to how Crystallex was going to finance arbitration going forward. His response was as follows: " The equipment should generate approx. 25-30 million which should be ample working capital with G&A now running around +/-6 million ex debt servive and extraordinary legal expenses. I believe other companies have estimated the costs of a fill ICID case to in the order of 6-8 million over the life of the case."

I did ask some questions regarding potential bankruptcy but as you might guess he indicated "the company has not discussed or considered bankruptcy and is focused on equiptment sales and the debt refinance/restructure."

I don't know if any of this helps but I am more than willing to share other emails as Richard responds.

Thanks again for all of your DD!!

over 13 years ago
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