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Re: Thoughts on Current CCAA Situation


I don't know what type of game you're playing here but your tone has changed very slanted toward NH's even though the facts are pointedly clear.

In the original CCAA proposal the NH's were diluting the SH's down to 2%. Then with this recent proposal by the NH's they raised the SH's percentage to 15% so the NH's are backtracking not getting more confident of a deal. By giving more to SH's that is not what happens when you are negotitating from the stronger position. Yet from your perspective it is the NH's that are controlling the situation?

If Fung has had conversations with VZ then doesn't that mean that every day that goes by we would get closer to resolution of the situation. Everyone knows we are open to settlement at the right price so the longer the NH's want to fck around in court is better for the SH's. We aren't running out of money as the NH's want everyone to believe. The entire group of NH's including their attorneys are the most disfunctional group I have ever seen. They are currently at ZERO wins legally yet they walk around like their sht doesn't stink. I am so suprised you want to look through that and side with them.

The SH's are presently sitting at 40% and for some strange reason you want us to believe the NH's are in the right and have the upper hand. WTF! You have been around here for a long time and when it comes to trading and time and sales you have had logical reasonable answers but for some reason when it comes to the NH's your logic and reason disappear. Why is that?

In addition, one other item that occured is the recent filings have put us in a position to become compliant one again in Canada on the Exchanges. When we were not compliant no one in Canada could buy shares including the NH's. Now that we have submitted the necessary filings we could get the OK to start trading fully again in Canada. I think this is a sign that we are moving forward as planned and that the NH's are going to be left behind and they know it and that is why they are making stupid offers.

What's going on here is the perfect example of "don't let a good story get in the way of the facts"!


over 11 years ago


Although I am thoroughly disgusted with how the shake down has occured, so far any legal team that Crystallex has relied on has won on every issue within the last few years. If there is any credibility to be given it is in who Crystallex chooses to represent them. I have to believe that if the arbitration law firm believes they can ask for 3.4 billion then they would be extremely foolish if they only ended up getting 500 million. I will give them the benefit of the doubt in how strong they believe their case to be.


over 12 years ago
Re: Appeals decision is out

And come August 1, 2012 they will still be working with the Nhers and then Nov 1, 2012 they will still be working with the Nhers and then March 1, 2013 they will still be working with the Nhers.

Can't we finally say the noteholders fcked up, they tried to steal all our money and it back fired horribly. The appeals court even mentioned it. Whoever is giving these Nhers legal advice should be disbarred. They have lost every time they went up against management.

The whole process hurt us the shareholders.

The whole process helped GRZ reach a settlement.

The whole process is gonna make mgmt rich.

The whole process will make Tenor geniuses.

All because some fn noteholders wanted it all.

If GRZ is valued at 217 million then we should be atleast valued at that amount. That puts us at .60 cents. (Minimum)


over 12 years ago
Re: what do you think stock price will be tomorrow in light of decision

A nice cup and handle pattern has been formed between Nov 11 through today which measures to .31. That looks to be our temporary stopping point to the upside.


over 12 years ago
Reyes saved us 40

Million potentially dilutive shares to hit the market. Atleast the shareholders benefited in some way from reyes's comments.

Thank you Reyes,


over 12 years ago
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