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Re: San Gold Advises on March 31 Debenture Interest Payment

it means.......no money.....no interest payment.....no raising money to pay said payment....

assuming that sangold survives....and the debenture does not disapear after the bankrupcy the debenture might have some value.....and the owed interest will probably have no value

what the hey....its a crapshoot if the price of gold does not increase dramatically

over 9 years ago
Re: ker no no

i am actually quite happy.....i made some real money.....on the ker buy of december....i got the tax write off for the sgr i dumped.....and i still have a position in both

what i am unhappy with is my own stupidity......i was in love with the play(ie.bisset).....the press releases were fast and furious....high grades....big widths.....mill expansion....yada yada.....turn around next month next quarter....new ceo, new expertise......fug i kept deceiving myself.....its the play stupid not the company....the play is good .....the company is just going through a learning curve......yes it was a learning curve alright!.....my learning curve........

other than that i am happy i did what i did

over 9 years ago

must be on the virge of an announcement......i donot give a shite.....i dumped 80% of my position at .14....made a little bit......still got a ton to go to make up for the hit i took when i dumped 75% of sgr......

georgie peorgie just had an oops moment.....and it does not matter......he gave us what we wanted......lies to make us feel better and got payed very well for it

over 9 years ago
Re: Three Step Solution and the first full

disclosure of the dire straights the company is in is available here http://mnpdebt.ca/en/corporate-insolvency/corporate-engagements/pages/details.aspx?title=san-gold-corporation lots of info to answer questions i personally had........its lengthy and detailed.....start herehttp://mnpdebt.ca/style%20library/mnp/files/media/documents/san%20gold%20corporation/affidavit-of-greg-gibson-sworn-january-16-2015-part1.pdf and here http://mnpdebt.ca/style%20library/mnp/files/media/documents/san%20gold%20corporation/affidavit-of-greg-gibson-sworn-january-16-2015-part2.pdf and herehttp://mnpdebt.ca/style%20library/mnp/files/media/documents/san%20gold%20corporation/affidavit-of-greg-gibson-sworn-january-16-2015-part3.pdf....it does give some insight of the machinations behind the public statements of mr gibson

sooooooo......give a read and..............................................be prepared to...................................................................................................................................................panic if you do still hold a sizeable position

over 9 years ago
Re: Re sgr and lack of information m and arbee

thanks and happy screw year

over 9 years ago
Re: Greg Gibson quoted on ZeroHedge gentlemen

merry christmas to one and all......even you politically correct sheep who want happy holidays as the default greeting......

today i am sitting here with my aluminium hat on....them illuminati are not going to get to me...

and you computor monitoring programs here are a few words as a gift for you....... crooked bankers,total control,fascists,snuffed,peons,power,gay(oops i mean happy when i say gay)....

and rookie there is a computor program monitoring images..... the romanoffs... are not the flavor of the day.....and those cyrillic letters no no no.... do not use....mccarthy is alive and well and YOU HAVE BEEN............flagged......

anyways have a great 25th one and all....

over 9 years ago
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