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Re: POII and the imaging modality

LRWhite, I had a little time, but not the desire other than you having piqued my curiosity.

I stopped going to IHUB because it is a site that has had numerous complaints and is "controlled" by a delusional individual (Pittboss/Nottanewid). He has full time to spend on RRHI/MBMI and has an agenda of deceit and fabrication. It hurts to see his intro that has been proven incorrect, but remains.

He was kicked off this site for the same reasons. IHUB makes its money on volume of posts and really does not care what is factual. As RRHI/MBMI starts making money I would not be surprised to see the intro come down and/or a lawsuit filed. I know at this time the executives of RRHI/MBMI are too busy to take notice or be concerned over a person just seeking attention because he had a life that had none.

Pittboss is retired ex-military with no business experience or knowledge. Does he think he is right and just delusional or does he have an agenda he won't admit to?

In any event I read the posts. As I said previously over on IHUB facts get overwhelmed and buried so it is useless to try and post there.

I also think the discussion on pricing is premature for such heavy activity/opinion. I expect it to be much higher when production begins.

The next few months should be interesting since everything is coming to a conclusion. I think it is quite amazing what has been accomplished in two years based on where things were.

Yahoo is a bit rediculous for my taste, but here where comments are "normal" there is very little activity.

It is nice to have a little "normal" conversation. Thank God Pittboss is banned from Agoracom!

over 11 years ago
Re: POII and the imaging modality

LRwhite, Pax Oral Imaging was registered a few months ago in Delaware, but there has been no new news on it or Stan Baron/Greg Gimble.

Whatever issues existed (getting funding) still must exist.

AP would not have divested himself of Lantis if there was anything solid in the short term. I think Stan's strength is as an entrepreneur and not the "Wall Street" acumen needed for gaining funding.

I too like the technology. It should have been in production years ago, but so much time has expired regarding patents and agreements that my confidence in anything happening has dwindled to almost nothing.

I see it as one that got away due to issues with Stan's inabilty in certain areas.

I will keep my eyes open going forward.

over 11 years ago
Re: for any other red necks that will read this...

The best known divestiture was probably AT &T. The Government was the culprit causing the actions decades ago.

Back "then" companies were trying to be conglamorates; having many different businesses under one roof. Bigger was better. I am not going to study "timelines", but it was over a decade ago that many companies, on their own, started to divest themselves of unprofitable business or businesses that were not their core strength.

Most divestitures now are Company mandated. It is a way to focus on your strengths.

Obviously RRHI felt their focus should be mining. I am sure this has to do with capital needed to get Lantis going. Capital put toward mining appears to provide a better return then trying to use any to get the Dental Technology to market.

Although I really felt strongly about OCT, if just mining will bring a better return to stockholders, I can't fault the decision.

It will be interesting to see if Stan and Greg can do something with the software and patents they possess anytime in the near future.

over 11 years ago
Re: for any other red necks that will read this...

The best known divestiture was probably AT &T. The Government was the culprit causing the actions decades ago.

Back "then" companies were trying to be conglamorates; having many different businesses under one roof. Bigger was better. I am not going to study "timelines", but it was over a decade ago that many companies, on their own, started to divest themselves of unprofitable business or businesses that were not their core strength.

Most divestitures now are Company mandated. It is a way to focus on your strengths.

Obviously RRHI felt their focus should be mining. I am sure this has to do with capital needed to get Lantis going. Capital put toward mining appears to provide a better return then trying to use any to get the Dental Technology to market.

Although I really felt strongly about OCT, if just mining will bring a better return to stockholders, I can't fault the decision.

It will be interesting to see if Stan and Greg can do something with the software and patents they possess anytime in the near future.

over 11 years ago
Re: Another good one from 2008 from kjb76

Shaffer, no offense taken

OCT Technology for Dentistry was without a doubt something needed and a great investment. I felt very confindent based on the software and the application. They even had a prototype built. To me it was a "no brainer". My guess at the issue was that Stan lacked the "Wall Street" knowledge. He is a great entrepreneur, but something was missing that was needed to attract early money to get it finished. I now think it might be more than money needed. Has time made the prototype and software obsolete? Has the early to market advantage gone? I am not sure, but the power was with Al, I am sure, over the divestiture, so it was something he thought was positive for RRHI. Tens of Millions of shares of RRHI went back to Treasury, along with a few hundred thousand in accrued salary expense being eliminated.

If the opportunity was greater or faster for a Lantis return, I believe it would not have been "cut loose". To me it is obvious that incoming money was seen to be better utilized for Mining.

I do believe January will bring news that allows for a clearer picture of the future of RRHI/MBMI.

I am still positive, but do have an outstanding question that needs to be answered to gain my better attitude.

I hope we soon all have reason to cheer!

over 11 years ago
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