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kingfalcor's Posts

Re: what is going on here!!!!!!

Thanks again. The only thing I diagree with is the timing. I really feel we will explode anytime and maybe this is part of my frustration, every new release could bring that lift off and when we get such non attention I guess I just let myself down because of my 110% feeling this will be huge. I think I will just walk away from the computer today and let things be what they will be.

over 13 years ago
Re: what is going on here!!!!!!

Thanks for your thoughts. You are right of course, I just am a little tired of great results with no reaction. I am of course still long and will remain so till this is where it should be.

over 13 years ago
Re: what is going on here!!!!!!

I know exactly how you feel. Something is not right here. I am not going anywhere though. WE have the goods, just have to wait it out. I am so frustrated though, been waiting three years and am up plenty but this is worth so much more than our present value. What we need is another release today like great Carlin results. That hopefully would blow the lid of this. WISHFUL THINKING!!!!!!!!

over 13 years ago
what is going on here!!!!!!

We have had great result after great result and nothing. Today again great drill results and what? we are presently down a cent. I can't for the life of me understand this.

over 13 years ago
Well isn't that nice.

Some info finally. First sorry about my rant the other night but I must admit it felt good. Now we are at least getting some info I will put the boys at EVG. back on my Christmas list, however if we don't see more news very soon as it seems the lab is working with tons of cores then I will have to call them bums as I am very shallow. Good luck to all and keep the faith. By the way anybody got MAI.,what a run its on eh.

almost 14 years ago
Re: Almost ready for another run?

I am so sick of this crap!!!!! I can understand delays but this is way over the top. TELL us with a release when it goes this far late. Darn we own this company as shareholders, just keep us inforrmed, we are not mushrooms to be kept in the dark. I have been a steady beleiver in EVG. but you or going to far. IF THERE IS A PROBLEM < JUST TELL US. I will leave you sooner with this silence crap than with the truth. enough, WHAT IS WRONG HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

almost 14 years ago
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