king99cat's Profile

king99cat's Posts

Insider trading

If Lori was in possession of trenching results or any other material info she would be blacked out and not allowed to trade, Correct? In the corp presentation she said she had results but couldn't release them. Will monitor the insider trading closely and see if she makes any trades. Looks like she hasn't made any since feb 23.

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

Very true!
Thanks for the recap of the meeting.

over 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

As of yet the anomaly hasn't been hit.

I was hoping it was as easy as sinking a hole right in the middle of the pretty pink part.

Oh well patience I guess

Time for a beer before hockey!

over 12 years ago
Re: What an improvement - much better!

Very true! And after meeting Murray and Alice they deserve it.

over 12 years ago
Re: Anonymous selling

I agree it was an attempt to scare people like me who may panic and cut their losses but that's only if you sell and thanks to this board I was not scared enough to sell. It was only 500k shares that were traded yesterday. If it was in the millions I may get a little concerned. The fact that management is still blacked out comforts me to know that they aren't dumping. I will be completely honest if it weren't for this board and all the info I have read I probably would have been scared off this investment. Don't get me wrong I want results right now but now realize that things like this take time. patience is a virtue that I think we are all getting a lesson in if we hang on for the results. I'm a young guy with a family that is taking a educated gamble on this stock. I just topped up mine and the wife's Tfsa so am comfortable with the situation. If I get burned I can honestly say that I did everything I could but was out smarted by the pro's!

over 12 years ago
Re: Trade markers

It was a forced trade to satisfy an obligation To fill an order imposed on a participant or access person by any provision of UMIR or a policy and that is entered on a protected marketplace to execute as against the disclosed volume on that marketplace prior to the execution or cancellation of the balance of the order - taken from iiroc rulebook.

Basically they were trying to pull the order but couldn't and had to sell??

I'm a newbie but it's my best guess

almost 13 years ago
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