kennel's Profile

tend to be a long term investor but will short term trade on good info, currently employed in the minning industry .

kennel's Posts

good movement today

nice increase in share price today, looks like some interesting bids forming. I wonder if the pdac has something to do with todays movement. Does anyone know who is in tor banging the drum?

over 14 years ago
moly mover

I see general moly moving up today on low volume , must be tightly held. Hopefuly this is our future happening.

over 14 years ago
rio tnto

their new discovery inthe bingham canyon near salt lake has been stated to be huge, has anyone heard of a figure? all i have heard and read so far is that the company believes it to be one of the largest deposits found to date.

thks for the news Bbob, looks like we are moving on up so to speak.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Good day!

thks for the update , i fully agree that what ever is going forward at the office CC and the boys are definatly working hard for us. Its just a matter of time now(shorter than most of us expect) just whish i had more investment funds available, but such is life.GLTA

about 15 years ago
moly up some more

i see moly is still on the rise just under 18.00 dollars ,hopfully this is going to bod well for us in the near future

about 15 years ago
moly is up

I am wondering if the price of moly in china today has anything to do with the price increase of shares today, might be worthwhile hanging onto any moly equties anybody has. Note TCM price has also done well so far today.

about 15 years ago
campbell river b.c.
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