kelmac's Profile

kelmac's Posts

Re: More of the same ----- Near Surface High Grade Gold at Kena

You mightt want to rethink your words as Tungsten prices along with lead and zinc are very strong.....along with the fact that there are deep pockets looking at a joint venture currently

Investors (day traders) will be left looking as the stock settles around 30 cents

over 13 years ago
Will be Interesting next 30 days

Looking at the "Day Traders" and large number of sell oders from eight to 10 cents. These guys will get the shock of their Day Trading days ...when the Joint Venture announcement is made and the stock settles around 30 cents...will be fun to watch

The volume will probably be over 20 million shares for a period of a week or more....and really looking forward to 2011 with tungsten prices at exceptional new high and gold prices havinng a large affect on their Kena/Gold Mountain new find

over 13 years ago
Ohhh ...How times have changed

Enjoyed your commentary.....but as I have the advantage of hindsite----and used Hindsite prematurely-------to stay away until the "Crash" was substantial....before tiptoeing in----and making enuf for mortgage etc ---and now finding no Junior to help....I am staggnant

Obamanomics will do a bad number going forward

The bargains might come later on in 2010----as many Juniors will idle into the Twilight......leaving only those with low shares issued/strong cash position/strong Senior Staff---and Strong Portfolios---- Riverside ----symbol rri is a good example

Hoping for some postive soon

over 15 years ago
Re: I suggest new managaement


Excellent comments......In my discussions with "Small Investor" group....the opinions on the Senior Staff----and the Lang group is "Ditto" to comments and thoughts you have exposedto this site.


over 15 years ago
Re: I suggest new managaement


Just browsing Sultan's site here this AM

Your comments are exact. Precisely put .......Sultan does not have Staff/nor funds----are caught with diluted share structure-----and now unfortunatley do not register at all as a potential.

So much negative with such positive potential laying in the ground.

My feelings are: "Senior Staff is stale" The owner or chief overseer of the Lang Group .....appears to idling into the sunset

over 15 years ago
Re: Sultan NI 43-101 Tungsten Resource

Sultan simply does not have the Staff/Expertise going forward to exploit the possible potential in the Salmo/Nelson properties.

This company has very limited capital....appears to miantain a status quo----meaning there is enough funds to kee a very limited staff that has been hanging around for ages. Until there is new vision / new blood in Head is highly unlikely investors will get involved. This project has been dragged out too long now....investors are numb to any positive news.

As stated...the indications to possible new investors "Time/money to pockets of staff/little accomplished over a long period/over one Hundred shares outstanding (to keep office/and staff over years) ......meaning this stock and company will remain where the current share price has stagnated.

Needs a major shakeup

Unfortunate as the possibilities are positive that a substantial ore deposit lies untouched because of poor management

over 15 years ago
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