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karlwest's Posts


same for Karl West. no confidence, voted against everything. the worst has already happened. i've lost more money and time on the "patent on water" than I care to admit.

Cliff, Gloria & Carl, thank you all for your judiciuos stewardship of this company. Well done. You should be in a good positon to drain whats left in the treasury with your generous salary and perks and line your pockets. all my opinion kw

over 8 years ago
Re: quarterly report link

"Our Future Success Depends In Significant Part Upon The Continued Services Of Our Key Senior Management."

This is a joke, right? this is the key senior management who drove this company to sub-penny levels? I'm pretty sure a monkey could have done a better job. I'd like to see the whole lot sacked and start a new...all my opinion kw

over 8 years ago
Re: PDS third member

WOW! Quite a read. As suspected, Cliff has been Dan Leckrone's personal punching bag for almost a decade. Cliff was playing checkers to Leckrone's chess. Leckrone always 2 steps ahead of Cliff. A classic game of 3 card Monty. Now you see it now you don't. Out lawyerd, out played and out witted. Cliff was the mouse to Leckrons proverbial cat. Who could have saw it coming? Umm... EVERYONE! This board has called the inept mis-management for YEARS! A real pity. Such promise, such hope. Gone. PTSC is like a comatose brain-dead patient on life support. Dominion Harbor our feeding tube, the court system our iron lung. When will the final shoe drop?

all my opinion. kw

almost 9 years ago
Re: HTC buys MMP License - because of Alliacense ...(?)

I liked this passage:

"In order to protect the investments of the MMP Portfolio™ licensee community, the successful MMP Portfolio™ Licensing Program has been dramatically enhanced with aggressive enforcement activities."


over 9 years ago
Re: most interesting regarding disclosure statement

I thought this part was very insightful to the next step:

The favorable outcome of the HTC litigation will encourage infringers to license ratherthan litigate, and the positive Markman ruling from that litigation is deemed determinative incases that have not settled. Companies that are not Respondents in the ITC or Defendants in theNorthern District are also incented to purchase licenses. Additional waves of litigation are filed,likely in excess of 30 companies, but no parallel ITC case is filed because an Exclusive Order(exclusive remedy in the ITC) would be nearly moot by the expiration of the patents. Theforecast assumes that costs related to any subsequent litigation effort remain approximately thesame, the most significant of which is the litigation counsel contingency arrangement. TheMarkman ruling from the NorCal Case is deemed determinative in these additional rounds oflitigation. TPL’s forecast assumes half of the remaining MMP revenue comes from litigants,while half is from non-litigants. Because of the different contingency percentage related to TPL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (JANUARY 8, 2015)


Case: 13-51589 Doc# 638 Filed: 01/08/15 Entered: 01/08/15 18:00:31 Page 93 of 104

over 9 years ago
san diego
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