kahanov's Profile


kahanov's Posts

Re: A little thought came to me.../devil's advocate/Glorieux

Actually, I just finished removing a hornets' nest from my house, and wasn't bitten. Unfornately, I have been less lucky with NOT, my average purchase price on 19K shares being $5.23. I recall Mr. Nemis saying to one of our posters about a PP with options to buy at $5, that "They'll get their $5". It didn't happen. Maybe that's in part why he is history.

about 15 years ago
Re: NOSOF follow up .....re Americans buying Noront

If your picture is accurate, then your order was refused because you are under-age. :-) BTW, why would an American but NOT in US$ OTC when he/she should be glad to buy in Canuck $ which is only going to go up wrt US$?

In my experience with Pinksheets, there is only a closing price/volume reported each day.

about 15 years ago
Re: Feeling good.......

If there's news..profit-taking.

If no news..profit-taking.

Bin there, done that..Call me a kicked-in-the-face pessimist. Nevertheless, I'm still long. (I guess you can tell that I don't golf.)

about 15 years ago
Re: Frankfurt..NOT up 0.45 euros to 1.90 euros ..31% gain..7:04 local time..Eom.

"Buy on rumor..sell on news"..If we get any news, watch out!! The news better be damn good!

about 15 years ago
A bridge over the swamp?

How about something like this as an alternative to a road? This is the bridge under construction to by-pass the Hoover Dam..just an idea..Be prepared to say "Oh MY G_D! It would make a great tourist attract, but you'd have to pack a change of clothes, because you would definitely soil your pants driving over it.

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about 15 years ago
Re: NOT last at $2.66 CAD (1.75 Euros)

xe.com, which uses the mid-point between bid and ask, gives 1 Euro= 1.53628 CAD This gives a closing for NQ1.f of $2.78!! But hey, what do they know?

about 15 years ago
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