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Re: A Question for George at Agoracom

Can the market shorting the stock create permanent damage - Is there a point where the value will just push through when and if there is further clarification ? Long term investors aren't go to dump shares post DA signing so the shorts surely expire -

almost 10 years ago
Re: Shares Comment

I tend to agree that it maybe slightly premature - perhaps with the various false starts it will take the auditors clarification of what can be accounted in the balance-sheets with respect to the land to nail the price - At the moment it is down to management's view which we support &
believe but this has to be reconciled by auditors -

almost 10 years ago
Re: Shares Comment

Are we at a point where we can celebrate ? I don't understand the shorting , can they create permanent damage ? I'm in UK a lot happy to toast success as and when !

almost 10 years ago
Re: RAMADAN----Revisited... and Again

This will be settled before Ramadan - I'd prtedict there would be a surge in price of nothing else -

over 10 years ago
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