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all votes counted

I know that at least 30,000 were not counted one of my accounts (options express) did not get me my control # after 4 days of bulls**t. I didn't vote at all (in that account)what happens by not actually voting does white get those votes? or do they go uncounted because they sure as hell woudv'e been green.

over 11 years ago
go green

Having trouble with options express IRA's- INVeSHARE 2 days ,but won't give up

almost 12 years ago
Re: Lets Do a Tally

scottrade was great no issues getting control #'s

almost 12 years ago
Re: A greener USA

That's what I asked for but I think incompetence runs amok in the brokerage world,

Any additional info would be greatly appreciated. My IRA rep. told me to go to sedar .com I told him I needed the 12 digit control #

almost 12 years ago
A greener USA

I have three accounts here in the US 2 ira's Options Express and 1 scottrade am having trouble communicating what I need "green" they seem to have no idea what I am talking aboutany suggestions

almost 12 years ago
Re: Meeting

no loss

over 12 years ago
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