jimjeffries's Profile

jimjeffries's Posts

Re: Well boys and girls

One of the better boards to be on. Sorry that it didn't get where it was projected. I made a tidy little some, and am glad for that. GLA

over 9 years ago
Re: has to be a bad dream

Where do you guys get your numbers from? Check out Morningstar, the quantitative fair value for Allana is 50 cents a share. I hope there is a better situation and this was done to kickstart it, FA has to pay 5.5 to ICL if he accepts another bid. That is only .02 a share, so it isn't much, but it is being bought for what it is worth.

over 9 years ago
Re: sold us out

It obviously was not as rosey as Farhad made it out to be. The site he sold before, sits to this day. Too many people got way too hyped about numbers and should not have thrown it out to get peoples expectations up. Who knows, maybe this triggers another offer if what is in the ground is that good.

over 9 years ago
Re: sold us out

His track record indicated it. Is it really that bad?

over 9 years ago
Re: Time lines

Likely why there is some selling going on. Hope it doesn't continue for too long.

over 9 years ago
Re: Allana mentioned

The only question is if the market is there. The suggestion is, between Ethiopia, China and India to name just those few, it is, and will be. I have bet on that. The numbers are staggeringly positive and although the process is slow for some, the end game, if you can wait, will be very profitable for all. Holes can be poked in the "theory", but it is fact based and hard to dispute.

over 9 years ago
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