jgocar24's Profile

New junior mining investor who has done very well so far but looking to retire in next 5 years.

jgocar24's Posts

Re: Time to step it up!!!


I feel your pain. At one point, I too had a small fortune invested in NOT. I started buying at 3.75 and then bought at 2.75, 1.00 and 0.49. Held for what seemed to be an eternity with an average price of 1.38. I was fortunate to get out at 2.25. When I say fortunate, I mean I had an awsome opportunity come my way and I was lucky enough to have the price spike at just the right time. I would still be invested in NOT had the other opportunity not come about. By no means do I believe NOT is a bad company to hold on to. I do think that myself and alot of other investors either got peronally attached or financially attached and lost out on plenty of other opportunities while the market was recovering.

As far as the ROF becoming a mine, I have no doubt it will but I think it is so far away that I personally would not want all my cash invested here waiting. I don't know how much nickle the market actually wants to see before it also believes there are future mines here. Obviously CLF believes it or they would not be waisting their time. I will be watching to see what the next round of drilling brings and hopefully it will be amazing. The longs who have held from .29 up to 7.00 (twice) and back down to .43 really deserve better for keeping the faith. Many of you may be asking why I even still care if I'm already out. Sometimes I ask myself the same question. I guess to me NOT is that dog you can no longer care for and have to give away (which I would never do by the way). Even though I no longer own it, I still wish the best for it.

Enough rambling, I just felt like commenting as I have felt the same way as Lethalgal way too many times. Good luck to you all.


over 14 years ago
Re: No thoughts until an NR???

That's one hell of a wish list Frank. I hope they happen for you guys. I say you guys cause I sold all my position in NOT in the summer at $2.25. Not cause I don't think Noront is a good company but I had a much better optoin.

Wasn't a TSX listing on you 2009 wish list...LOL. That promise from the BOD really pissed me off. Didn't they promise that a year and a half ago??? Anyways, good luck to you all. I wouldn't mind if NOT's price stayed down for all of 2010 so I could get back in later but I doubt that will be the case.


over 14 years ago
I'm a little shocked!

That some people think this was just expected news. I think this is fantastic news. According to the Genuity report, they expected +5m of high grade massive sulphides for each pod. Well we got the +5m in Eagle 1B and we got almost 25m in Eagle 1C. The only thing that dissappointed me about this NR is I was told by JJ that it would include visuals on hole 50 and 51. I will email her tomorrow to see why they were not included but I don't expect the swift reply that she normally in known for. She will probably be flooded tomorrow morning. I would call in sick if I were her...LOL.

Short of that I believe this is fantastic. Also the fact that Hoov, Crazy, Canseco and Glorieux are super pumped is very reassuring. OK, not so much GLorieux. He's pumped about everything...LOL That's not a cheap shot Frank, just having some fun :)

Good job NOT management.


PS. NOT BOD, we would not be upset with a step out hole NR in the morning ;)

about 15 years ago
I don't often read posts on SH....

but sometimes when I'm in the mood for stupidity and foolishness, I will read a few post there. My favorite over there is piss boy... I mean pboy. That insignificant little cockroach has been talking smack about Noront for at least 15 months (since I bought into NOT). I'm not sure but it appears NOT's biggest basher has for some reason disappeared of the face of the earth..... Hmmmmmm. Could it be he is kicking himself in the a$$ for not investing in NOT. Probably not, can't kick yourself in the a$$ when your foot is already half way down your throat...LOL. I've been waiting along time to take a shot at that moron. Yes it's a little vindictive but I never said I was perfect. Maybe I'll use some of my profit to pay for anger management : ;)



about 15 years ago
Nice teaser Wes...

you almost had me jumping out of my seat when I saw there was an NR this morning. We all know a NR regarding E1 is coming and I was hoping that was it. But we understand how this works. Announce the new guy, give him some options and then let the good news go. I'm a patient man but a 10:30am E1 NR wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least.


about 15 years ago
Enough about windfall!!!

I've heard enough about windfall. It's over and done with. I would much rather have Eagle One than windfall. Anybody who is that upset about it can sell their Noront shares and buy Eagle Hill. Hell, wait 2 more months before you sell your Noront shares and you will probably have enough cash to build a small mansion right on the windfall property so you can have a first hand look and what's going on there. If windfall was really that good and the gold was easy to find, do you really think Noront management would let it go for so cheap? Use your brains people, the ROF is going to give us the biggest bang for the buck. Stop being so damn emotional about windfall casue it was here first. I know alot of the longs invested in NOT casue of windfall. Well consider yourselves lucky NOT stumbled upon Eagle One or you would probably have next to nothing now. I now this post won't be the most popular but I don't really care. At the end of day I want an amazing return on my investment. I will not get emotionally attached to any or Noront's property or personel. We are here to make money so start thinking with your heads and not your hearts.



PS. This post was not a personal attack on anybody. I just think we should be concentrating on the property that is actually increasing our SP (Eagle One) and not on the property that has been mothballed for the last year to year and a half.

about 15 years ago
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