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jefferam's Posts


Yeah I agree I'm thinking i lost enough money I'll just stay out of SGR regardless of outcome. I'll sleep much better. even if this company miracluously goes up to 10$ (haha) but stilll I think I've accepcted the fact that my mental sanity is worth more then any gain.

Unfortuantely since i have so much time invested researching and following SGR I'll probalby check back way more ofthen then i should to see how it is doing but I think I can resist the urge to buy back in regardless of what happens.

I wish i would of jumped ship when elementwise1 did (who i respected his vast input we always had). But what is done is done.

Good luck to all.

over 10 years ago

Wow end of March - Begining April I flipped my entire holding of SGR to CAZ at vritually a 1:1 swap on price.

I'm starting to look like a genius.

Now that I'm complete out and not fully attached to SGR anymore does anyone think there is value at potentially re entering if(when) we get down to? 0.08? or 0.05?

Or should i just run away and never look back?

over 10 years ago
CAZ on the rise

Anyone here following CAZ? it has sure been taking off lately.

Anyone have info they care to share? I heard from some people this has the potential to go to 1.50-2.00.

Sounds like an exciting play.

over 10 years ago
Re: Q1 Financials - some snippets

Sucks to be you guys i sold pretty much all at 3.50 thinking they were slightly over valued.

However i made the stupid stupid stupid move buying back all in at 2.00 (including all my profits and then a bit more on top of that).

So in the end I'm more foolish then the rest of you.

Anyway I think its about time to pull the plug on this one.

I'm sure I'll never make up my losses. at least not with this stock

over 10 years ago
Re: impairment charges

Yeah i'll probalby listent to it later, possilby tonight, i think the webcast is normally available.

I just wasn't sure if Ian was still with the company, maybe he left to become a CEO somewhere else or something along that line.

Was curious if Ian stepped down or if he got the boot, I guess we will probably never know.

From what i saw (with big blinders) he seem to be doing a good job. So guess we are all left scratching our heads.

over 10 years ago
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