jdgold's Profile

jdgold's Posts

Re: Here is what I saw

imo, the gold is in the gound and will take many decades to mine, its only reserves, hopefully proven by our drilling. the good part is the bigger the reserve amount, the more value the gold giant has. The numbers we are talking about when we start doing the math, holy wow! Adding to you money question, does anyone think big gold could be having closed talks with big money to raise the funds? Could sli be assisting them ? Recent big money meetings in the usa were they for sli? Just thowing ideas out.

almost 13 years ago
Re: Here is what I saw ( 1% sulphides )

here is link I found, its from 2008, but i like what its says, peru is a bargin for this, our location is perfect, the goverment wants its, as stated before, the perfect storm http://latinresources.com.au/peru_gold_exploration

almost 13 years ago
Re: Maybe they should look a little further at RBC

tks for the info kemo, I had the forms for credential in my hand but could not wait on set up, rbc was fast. Filling out forms now. When, not if our stock hits it will feel great to do the switch. This forum is more helpfull than the banks bar none

almost 13 years ago
Re: Maybe they should look a little further at RBC

i wish i had been aware of this forum months ago and i would never have done my investing thru rbc

almost 13 years ago
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