jdc1's Profile

jdc1's Posts

Re: New High!!

A rookie had a market order for 500 shares as the bids were drying up. Just a mistake I think. Lots of anonymous bids today, which is probably institutional buying. Very good for us.

Cheers; jdc

over 13 years ago
Re: $7,442,890Seven Million Four Hundred Forty Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety

One point with the number of shares outstanding. Many institutional investors are restricted from buying into junior mines due to lack of liquidity (ie: not enough shares in the float). DRV doesn't have that problem now... FWIW. The folks who are really going to move this baby higher are the big investors, not us little guys.

almost 14 years ago
Re: anybody here?

Gawd I'm still here anyway.......... I'm thinking we'll get some news next week; if not we'll be waiting into the new year.

I'm anticipating a JV announcment and drilling plans for the next DRV NR. I'm pretty sure the news will be good, I just hope JR and company have been properly promoting this stock. It's the only way we're going to see a serious move in SP.

Cheers; jdc

almost 14 years ago

Ironically these two stocks are still very much connected. MMX owns millions of DRV shares. A high DRV SP means drilling money for MMX. If a nice JV is announced for drilling DRV's Aguila property then we should see a nice revaluation of DRV's SP IMHO.

almost 14 years ago
Re: This Stinks

Cheers Digger. I actually sold all my stock in SMH before it got into the mid teens. I think I lost about $100.

The Guyana properties look great but I just don't trust the way the company has been managed recently. I'm thinking of buying back in, but I hate catching falling knives.


about 14 years ago
Re: This Stinks

Hey Digger;

What you say could make sense. I've never been a share holder of a company when that sort of thing has happened. How would/could such a scenerio play out for a little sucker like me. Any insight would be very much appreciated!



about 14 years ago
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