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jasmts's Posts

Re: Red Flags

Bit the bullet and bailed today, no mo San! jasmts

almost 14 years ago
Re: ...View of a Private Investor

BOZZOS as my brother says,management is not free speaking to retail investors and do not have a good plan as our price would not be where it is today,sold more San today,? may be the bottom,do not care,discusted with management,they do not have a good plan for this company, they are getting paid way too much for their preformance jasmts/Don

almost 14 years ago
Re: Buy low

I thought I read the word Hope,is this our critera for buying? jasmts

about 14 years ago
Re: SanGold stock info

That place in Italy is my kind of place,throw the laptop in the Sea and enjoy,Grappa,etc,cheese, take me with you,PLEASE,ha! Don

about 14 years ago
SanGold stock info

Merv at Precious Metals Central has San ST,IT and Long Tern as 3 negatives. I am not laughing as we own a bunch of San. Also RBY is neg-Pos-Pos,Fortuna Silver 3XPos,and some others have very good ratings. Gold Miners Pulse rates San's Fair Mkkt Value Friday C$2.53,with Fri close C$3.59 jasmts

about 14 years ago
Denver Gold Expo

Sept 19-22,pretty big,only for professionals,anyway Monday 9-20 Fortuna Silver at 9:05,etc then SanGold,Dale at 10:35 and LakeShore,their president, at 10:55,of course many others at different times. Google the conference for more details, the presentations will be web cast jasmts

about 14 years ago
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