jackthebear's Profile

jackthebear's Posts

Re: PC and GT remaining options

According to Peter Lynch, a well known analyst is the US insiders sell for many reasons but only buy for one.they believe the price will go up and are usually restricted to 6 months before impactfull news ,that being said when was the last open market purchase by management ????.


almost 8 years ago
Re: European project developing integrated silicon photonics process

To add to that thought it would be nice if we had a product up and running by AGM time and the new tean flew Dr Taylor in so a offer of thanks could be made by all those that will benefit from his 20 years of labour and what should be the new standard in the all things Photonic world.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Most Networks

That was sarcasm if you missed it.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Most Networks

Feeling confident that POET will have a product by then.

almost 8 years ago
Re: European project developing integrated silicon photonics process

Poet will survive without Taylor as Apple survived without Jobs nobody is indespenseable.

almost 8 years ago
Re: European project developing integrated silicon photonics process

With the one miss step of up and to the right in May and the announcement of cash positive in 2018 your right they know exactly what it takes to get things done .2017 will definately be better as the 25 % value we are at compared to the start of the year ,well nuff said on that.

It is 82 and sunny forecasted for Wednesday on the Island of St John and I'am good with that.

Even the present share price can't put a cloud over everything.

Take care all

An Island vacation cures all

almost 8 years ago
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