ix4dakidd's Profile

ix4dakidd's Posts

Re: StockTrendNews.com

Nice. Can't wait to see what else they have up their sleave!

about 14 years ago
Re: shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Why in God's name would someone spend so much time on a penny stock board when they've publically stated they've sold their position and moved on? How many time do you have to tell us you've sold and moved on... only to have you come back and state the same BS gripe over and over again? Don't you have a hobby, family, or friends? How about reading a good book, or taking a long walk. What about a dating service, like those it's just lunch things?

Do you really need to tell us again how we're all in breach of the law by blabbing about some big secret deal? Do you really think the authorities are following a penny stock board like this? I'm sure there's no other Bernie Madoff crooks running around swindling the masses, or no other unregulated credit swap markets that can crash the world economy again! Yes, the men in blue are hot on our trail. After all we have been using our exceptional boiler room skills to pump this thing from $.25 all the way to.... oh $.22. Give me break.

We're all long termers here who beleive in the fundamentals of this company and it's future potential. You on the other hand sound like either a disgrunteld former employee, or someone who really needs a new hobby. Either way, I've said my peace and wish you well.

over 14 years ago
Re: 10Q just released

Anything good in it?

over 14 years ago
Re: Is everybody here from KRY (Crystallex)?

Very refreshing isn't it. :)

over 14 years ago
Re: Is everybody here from KRY (Crystallex)?

Yes, there's a few of us here who lived through that nightmare. I think we're following something now that has greater upside and 10 times less complexity.

Welcome aboard.

over 14 years ago
Re: Weekly Volume

Agreed, last week's volume was significant. I think we need another 1-2M shares taken out before we see good PPS movement. However that all changes if we get the news we think is coming. If so, all best are off.

Hold tight, I think we're very close.

over 14 years ago
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