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itsmeagain's Posts

Re: Making lemonade

Not so sure about this. When you withdraw the shares from your RRSP they will be taxable as income, and you will be required to pay withholding taxes at the time of the withdrawal. This could likely mean that you will be forced to sell more shares than you wish in order to cover the withholding taxes, which would therefore reduce the position in PTK that you have. For example, lets say you wish to withdraw 50,000 shares from your RRSP at a value of $0.34. That's a total withdrawal of $17,000 which will attract 30% withholding taxes, or $5,100. At $0.34 that $5,100 equates to 15,000 shares that you will lose just to cover the taxes. Or, look at it another way. If you wish to withdraw enough to buy 50,000 shares in your TFSA with the contribution, to cover withholding tax you will have to sell ~ 71,500 shares in the RRSP inorder to leave yourself with enough money to buy 50,000 @ $0.34 in your TFSA.

You will also have to allocate resources to cover the taxes owing on your tax return come spring time, unless you make additional, offsetting contributions to your RRSP. Remember also that you do not get a tax deduction for contributing to your TFSA, so you are left with needing the shares to first grow enough in the TFSA to account for the shares potentially lost to withholding taxes to just get you back to where you were before the withdrawal. From there, should the stock move higher, then yes it would be advatageous to have the shares in the TFSA as those future gains would be tax free as opposed to tax deferred.

almost 8 years ago
These guys are as serious as a heart attack....

....well let's hope so because I think I have had about 3 of them in the last 48 hours. Management is the only thing that has allowed me to sleep nights in this stock, and I find it really hard to think that this is how they wish to end their careers and foul what are otherwise very good reputations. Call me naive but I just don't see it.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Price options to consider

Well I for one sure as h*ll hope it pays off, even a little, because replacing all the hair and fingernails I have lost over the past number of years I have owned PTK ain't gonna be cheap!

almost 8 years ago
Re: I am stock on POET and POET is stock with me

Couldn't agree more Junkers. I remember those mornings of waking up day after day to Canadian Insider emails indicating that Sheldon and PNP had bought yet ANOTHER 250K or 500K shares each. In hindsight that did many of us no good at all.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Did anyone catch what Suresh said about Denselight..

When I signed in the head count was over 125.

almost 8 years ago
Module Prototypes - Slide 18

Can any of the tech-smart folks here explain the difference between the three module prototypes on Slide 18 of the presentation? It's says that "on chip optics" are not scheduled until 2019, but isn't it the on chip optics that are the holy grail of the POET platform and what we are all waiting for?

almost 8 years ago
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