ipco 's Profile

ipco 's Posts

Re: This THM discussion is stupid

Could not agree more!

over 8 years ago
Re: Best ride at the fair this year... POET™

Agreed. My expectations are in check until such time as actual sales data can be assessed.

over 8 years ago
Re: Anonymous

I bought 105k shares that way via my rbc portal...my company is private, therefore so are my investments...maybe not so private after this post.

over 8 years ago
Re: Impressing

Agreed, just bought 5000 more ptk shares. The company may not be broadcasting what it is doing right now but I am very confident in its future.

about 9 years ago
Re: Question

Given the strength of the new management team and what they have given up, the phase the the company has entered (road to market), as well as cc's recent communication I would expect minor growth in the near term (1-2months) and significant growth 6-12 months out.

about 9 years ago
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