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Re: Article on phosphate in Australia.

Can you provide a summary as it is a subscription site?

over 12 years ago
8-K reveals much better deal than it looked

equity give away for 7.5m + 20-30m expected in IPO - depending on price at IPO equity give away could be only 10% - cash flows thru Paradise to parent co LDGI. All good news.

Now someone tell Slager that he's sold enough and we should FINALLY see a rise in the SP.

over 12 years ago
Re: What will this mean for the common shareholder?

This first step has involved a transfer of all Legend’s phosphate assets into a 100% owned subsidiary of Legend and funding via a A$7.5 million convertible note facility (“Convertible Note Agreement”) which has been injected into the subsidiary through , Acorn Capital Ltd (“Acorn”),

Pretty simple - when Paradise makes $, LGDI makes $. If they get to IPO stage, they are going to have the capability to lift phosphate out of the ground and ship it. Cash flow begins, 60-70% of the profits go to the parent co - LGDI, 30-40% stay with Paradise.

Unless we see something different in the 8-k that they are due to file.

over 12 years ago
Re: What will this mean for the common shareholder?

What this did was trade 30-40% equity for a 7.5 million loan. In the end, Gutnick & Co. will be major shareholders of both LGDI and Paradise - winning on both ends.

For US investors in LGDI - still good news - just missing out on 30-40% of the pie. So if you invest today at .11 - and Slager finally stops *#@$@ selling, then you are still making out very well...assuming there is actual phosphate in them there hills.

So Acorn takes $7.5m and converts those into shares at IPO. For sake of round numbers - say the IPO goes off at $1 / share. You make $ on the run-up to the IPO and then get 60-70% of Paradise in perpituity as long as Gutnick doesn't sell it off.

So - those of us that have held for 3+ years may not be real excited about giving up some equity, but it sure beats going to zero.

over 12 years ago
Re: What will this mean for the common shareholder?

This thing is in the hands of Slager until he is done liquidating.

over 12 years ago
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