inspireprogress0704's Profile

inspireprogress0704's Posts

Re: Was Big Sky a "Crown-Jewel Defense"?


I agree. Your input is greatly appreciated!!


over 12 years ago
Re: How did you discover Tyhee Gold


While doing D & D on Tyhee, I happened on to this forum wondering what shareholders were discussing and quickly became impressed with the depth of questions, comments and the general business attitude in the dialogs.

Baires2 had led and still is a key leader among minority shareholders. Thanks for your committment and dedication Baires!

So this forum is what convinced me to invest in Tyhee Gold.


over 12 years ago
Re: Briggs on Winter Roads and Dave Webb Attending a Board Meeting


Thank you for agreement and your great recommendation of a specific maintenance program:

Finning International (which is the largest dealer and global business partner of Caterpillar) would be the company we could contract for these services, as they offer customized mining equipment solutions to industries around the world also with respects to parts and maintenance services

and if Tyhee Gold, with their great management, have already covered this topic: a top-notch MAINTENANCE PROGRAM than it would benefit them and us to publicize it.


over 12 years ago
Re: Briggs on Winter Roads and Dave Webb Attending a Board Meeting

What can I add w/out detracting from this discussion?

Excellent work Isaiah and Hansix... Isaiah for pointing out this great and important dynamic and subject and Hansix for appreciating its value.

I will go even further than Isaiah and express also, that safety of workers is paramount; but add that an often overlooked, yet telling detail is to have an implemented and functioning "top-notch" maintenance program. With mining/excavation work, expensive equipment (conveyors, earth moving equip.,rigs, etc) need methodical/periodical maintenance or costly down-time and costly losses on trade-ins and selling of outdated/unused equipment will "get you from behind"; thereby affecting profits and asset value greatly. Maintenance is a detail that if only done as a last resort will keep a company/person poor and struggling, but if done well, will lend greatly towards a successful company/person.

If I were a bank officer and my actuator/appraiser were going on-site to evaluate a company, i'd say first, dear actuator/appraiser, check out the maintenance bldgs, and the on-site quality of lubrications and oils, then report back to us before you are wined-and-dined.

Oh, please do not come to my house for an inspection of my maintenance program... at least not for a few weeks... you might find me a bit hypocritical.


over 12 years ago
Re: One thing worth adding


Great job!

Exactly right, according to common business law, major shareholders (de facto control) are obligated (fiduciary duty) to disclose their intentions with the BOD and other shareholders.

And Interinvest is a major shareholder.


over 12 years ago
Re: A Point of View

Welcome back South Pacific. You've made great comments about Tyhee Gold forum. Talent by the truckload and character by the bushels exists among many a gentlemen here.

And I agree with your opinion of Baires. He is the great person that attracted me to Tyhee Gold, nearly 24 months ago. His constancy and study are very much appreciated. Cheers for Baires!


over 12 years ago
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