inimus's Profile

inimus's Posts

Re: Anyone know who this new guy is?

That's a good one Zak.

over 9 years ago
Re: Blood in the streets...

Zak I had $365,000 in ECU,Figure out what I have now.

almost 10 years ago
Re: AUMN: Is the stock manipulated?

Why millions too investigate?

about 11 years ago
Re: By my estimation...

In for a penny in for a pound!46,000 warrants @ .20.Hope this dump is not ahead of the 10,000,000 options coming up soon.

about 15 years ago
Re: News-inimus

Hi Scout:Don't think I'm a wingnut.Have owned ECU probably as long as many on this board but very disappointed with the share price since Altman came on board.Look at a chart of the share price since he was hired and tell me how happy I should be with a large percent of my portfolio in ECU.I have ECU in six accounts,three for myself and three for my wife,INV,RRSP,TFSA,and not too happy right now.10,000,000 more shares?I have never called the company however this week will be my first call,hope thy have something nice to say.

about 15 years ago
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