idaho's Profile

idaho's Posts

Re: Something is very wrong

I guess you want americans to send back all their Blackberries or Cdn mining coompanies to cease development world wide Typical NDP blather.

almost 15 years ago
Re: Anyone here have a problem with

no problem for me. 50 years of work to build Freewest deserves a payout vs $.60 shares for NOT for a few monthe work.

almost 15 years ago
Lesson #1

From the Not Board we are learning how to steal a company. Watch out for crooks posing as saviours. Mac et all are too smart for this bich slap

almost 15 years ago
Re: Ethos for our FWR forum

Ethos was one of Socrates three basic factors of understanding human nature. The other two are Logos and Pathos

over 15 years ago
Sam Houston ran skirmishes before winning the main battle

Houston signed the Texas Declaration of Independence. He soon joined his volunteer army at Gonzales, but was soon forced to retreat in the face of the superior forces of Mexican General (and dictator) Antonio López de Santa Anna, whose soldiers killed all those at The Alamo Mission at the conclusion of the Battle of the Alamo on March 6.

Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto.

The painting "Surrender of Santa Anna" by William Huddle shows the Mexican general Santa Anna surrendering to a wounded Sam Houston. This painting now hang in the Texas State Capitol.

At the Battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836, however, Houston surprised Santa Anna and the Mexican forces during their afternoon siesta. In less than 18 minutes, the battle was over. Badly beaten, Santa Anna was forced to sign the Treaty of Velasco, granting Texas independence. Although Houston stayed on briefly for negotiations, he returned to the United States for treatment of a wound to his ankle

over 15 years ago

IF: They do not fire this board, they are a major part of the corruption.

? Mr. Lassonde? Mr. McEwan? what about Warren Irwin, PowerOne, Pinetree, IBK etc? are they happy with how things are going? how do we go about finding out who those large shareholders still are? and ask them

over 15 years ago
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