iamthetaxman's Profile

iamthetaxman's Posts

Re: Waiting

I would have been one of the first to email several weeks ago. I received a response from Delna Contractor saying they would be in touch shortly with more information. I have heard nothing since.

about 8 years ago
Re: value

I use TD Waterhouse and they show my cost ($$$$$$ ouch) and a Market Value of $0.00.

about 8 years ago
Re: 17th Monitors Report

I wish we could get NOBEAR to weigh in on this issue. I find it totally confusing. At the end of the day a common share is a common share is a common share. Every share is identical in terms of ownership rights. Assuming we collect, the proceeds of distrubution have to be equally allocated, pro-rata, per common share. I just can't see how opting in or not can really make any difference. I find it hard to believe that Gowlings would take this totally on a contingency basis. Just can't figure this out so I'm going to wait for all the details to come out. We are all missing something here IMO.

about 8 years ago
Re: Heading Toward The Light...

I'm on board as well. All info sent to Gowlings yesterday.

about 8 years ago

Been invested for 17 years so...I'm all in for Tahiti.

over 8 years ago

17 years for me if you can believe it. I'm a bit surprised at the lack of activity on the board as well. There are still +/- 365 million shares outstanding but I wonder how many individual shareholders there are now.

over 8 years ago
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