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iTri's Posts

Re: Is something missing?

More interesting will be if she lists Next Gen on her next profie. I had to read the website several times to make sure it wasn't a joke. Venture capital for your medical marijuana business from mining industry professionals....I'm not seeing the vision.

over 10 years ago
Re: Havilah


Great comment on the consistency of management teams between SLI and Havilah. Last week (during the chaos) I posted a similar comment about Integold's management team and the optioning of the Chance E property. Hog and dazza helped shed some light on the rationale behind the move, but I didn't feel like I got a solid answer about how management intends to manage both companies. I think most of us would appreciate a clearer understanding of how management intends to manage each of these interests effectively. Has anyone discussed this with Lori or Murry?

almost 13 years ago
Re: Chance E question, Intigold and SLI management teams

Thanks Hog and Dazza. I guess I'm a bit slow, but I am still a bit confused with regards to who or what group at IDG is potentially going to prove up Chance E. The management teams are nearly identical and if Lori and the crew are too busy with Tesero, how would they have time to prove up Chance E under IDG?


almost 13 years ago
Re: Keep emotions under control

Love your posts Hog! Well said.

almost 13 years ago
Chance E question, Intigold and SLI management teams

This is my first post and I'm new to investing so please forgive me if the following has been hashed over previously or if the question is foolish.

In the August NR, Lori announced the option agreement with Intigold for a 60% interest in the Chance E property. Can someone help explain more of the details of this agreement? Intigold appears to be ran by several of the same SLI management team and I'm curious about which group benefits more from this agreement.

Further, from what I understand, SLI's cash position seems to be strong enough to continue drilling and exploration of this area without an outside influx of cash, especially when the initial cash and exploration cost committment is less than $250k in year one.

I've been following and have invested in SLI for quite some time, but I could use some help on this. Thanks.


almost 13 years ago
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