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For those of you who follow Dale Patterson on agx

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Dale Patterson agx

Amador Gold Corp, AGX, has traded almost 5 mil. shares today. The 1st 1.5 mil. was bought by a mining engineer who knows this company, and runs a boutique investment group in Toronto. I checked with the company, but Richard Hughes put a blackout on his management team. They can't talk about AGX or buy or sell shares in the company, until news has been disemminated. Could be within 2 or 3 days. They are expecting results from a very high grade prospective Kamscotia property, Horwood, and Loveland. Who knows what it is, but it looks like it could be good. A lot of possitive news coming out of the Hughes camp lately.

almost 15 years ago

Where is the 43-101 on the july 13th interview Mr. Hughes said that we should have a

43-101 within 30 to 45 days that was 50 days ago????

about 15 years ago
Re: Interesting line in the sand

NBMOOSE I was told the same thing by manegement a couple months ago, they figured that Exxplor were drilling in the white of the egg or on the edge of the property when they drilled had they drilled in the first partial of land that belonged to gcr they would been drilling in the the yoke of the egg smack dab in the middle of the find maybe.Had gcr not spotted this and put a stop to it explor would have drilled for gcr.

about 15 years ago
confidentiality agreement sign by a large mining comoany point of interest

I was told that when a ca is signed that it means that the company that signs such an agreement cannot take out the ex grc on the public market they must take them out with a j/v or a buy out. ect.

about 15 years ago
geewh op: Surprised ther isnt more talk about richards interview

In the interview Mr. Hughes says that they have a confidentiality agreement signed with a large mining company and also on that same project they have a country not Canada or USA that is more than interested in the Langmuir. 43-101 within 30 t0 45 all of the above is whwt I heard.

about 15 years ago
Re: Surprised ther isnt more talk about richards interview

My guess Xstrada is probably the large mining company that have the confidentiallity agreement with Hughes .

about 15 years ago
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