huntinhard's Profile

With SLI for a year. From Saskatchewan

huntinhard's Posts


Can someone please ask for the "Trenching" results. And ask why they have not been released to the shareholders or what the heck would take this long. This last NR has no grounds, I am surprised they would release something like that to the public. She just through more money away!

over 10 years ago
Find it odd?

We find it odd, as we have 4 different accounts with SLI shares in them. To date, we have only received 3 proxy papers. Funny how the one account that holds the most shares still does not have a proxy paper to it. Going to be making a phone call Monday.

over 10 years ago
Re: Possible Panamanian Shell Corp ???

My question is, do shareholders not have to vote when it comes to property being sold. Like whether we want to sell it, how much it is being sold for etc? I know, I know, Lori does what she wants! I want to know the legal end of this. And Sculpin, I said many months ago this needs to get to the media, so if u need help with this give me a call. Its time the govt, TSX, etc start to get questioned infront of the public eye. Sending e-mails and phone calls are not working, as that just gets pushed to the side and blamed on some one else to take care of or nobody! As it stands right now, this is still just a SLI problem and needs to be seen as a problem world wide within the stock market. So many people out there that do not know or understand the BS that goes on within the system. I know ourselves that once this Sli thing is over, whether it goes our way or not, we will NOT be in the stock markets again, too corrupt and controled for us!

about 11 years ago
Re: Conclusion

thats exactly what were wondering!!!

over 11 years ago
Re: Our Vote

I think it is time this goes to the media! Its obvious that alot do not understand and think that this is just a SLI thing. We need to get it out there, that this effects all Canadians and if we start putting the BCSC and TSX in the spot light and start questioning there actions, hopefully they will not be able to hide and at the least, take us more serious. WE need to start thinking outside the box, everything we have all done, is not working, OR it maybe is being looked at, but is taking to long IMO. So what is left? Yes keep phoning, yes keep sending letters, but I for one, believe they have probably have never seen as many letters and received as many phone calls as they have on one company, SLI! So saying this and with all the proof our great hub leaders have done and many more shareholders, I am amazed that this stock has not been HALTED! Everyday, I wake up and pray I will see that lovely word in bright RED! This way, EVERYBODY is put on hold, not just us. Right now this company keeps operating everyday like nothing is happening or wrong. She keeps putting stall tactics in our way, we all can see that, but a halt is a stall tactic for her as well!. Then she cant sit there and let everything take its dam time. Who is above the BCSC and TSX? If changes need to be made, and we all know things need to be run differently, is it up to Harper? What can we do differently, we have shareholders to the south,(US), can there gov't get involved some how? Alot of questions, but alot of thinking going with it. What do you all think with starting with the media? Is there a reason why we have not taken that action yet? Is it alot to do? I think a big group is better than one person trying to take this forward. I am very willing to be part of this group, as this is above my head, and I would need help to get our story out there to the public. You just never know what could happen..... I know for one, if I was Lori, I would not want my name put out there for the public to see what I have been doing. And I would not want to be one of Lori's followers either, just saying!

over 11 years ago
Russell Manitoba Meet and Greet

Reminder of tomorrows meet and greet in Russell Manitoba at 7pm at the Russell Inn. Hope to see you there.

over 11 years ago
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