hult145's Profile

hult145's Posts

Re: Aaron Etra, the UN, INDEVA and SLI, hmmm....

Lori take you roadside philosophy else where.. totally sick of your mindless yapping on this forum..If you have no shares in SLI why are you here?

over 9 years ago
Re: Attempted Rollback

This link may be of some interest to some..

over 9 years ago
Re: SLI Shares

I still have all my shares in two different banks..not sure what's going on Tweedbird.

almost 10 years ago
Re: news censored in Canada

Sculpin have you tried Sun news ?...Ezra levant digs into a story and don't back down.

over 10 years ago
Re: enough allready

There was mention of a class action suit against the BOD and the regulars for not upholding their duties. That may be the only option we have left to save our company. I am willing to put in $1000 to get this going. The regulators are a joke and a disgrace to their profession and Lori knows this as well. It’s time we find a trusted corperate lawyer who is willing to take the case on and bring some justice to this pathetic action of the BOD. We could set up a trust fund and if Sculpin is willing to lead us along with the evidence that we have I’m sure we would present a very strong case. I’ve been s share holder since 2010 kept every share and will NOT sell any and have been following the posts on this forum for that length of time as well. The time is now before she gives it all away..IMHO.

over 10 years ago
Re: SLI investors dreams, well based

Well said Stewie I applaud you.

almost 11 years ago
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