honk69's Profile

honk69's Posts

Re: Why the price is $.036

The Offering Price was determined by arm's length negotiation between the Corporation and the Agents, with reference to the prevailing market price of the Common Shares.

What a crock.

Agents: Hey if you priced it at a 30% discount to the current share price, we'd be able to sell it for sure.

Corporation: Really? We're green at this, we'll trust you. Okay let's do that.

Reality: They should have priced it at the current market price and 1/2 a share warrant. That would have sold too (and arguably is still too cheap).

almost 8 years ago
Re: Warrants, options, the AGM

Let's remember that we have a growing company which is going to need to attract good people to build, sell, support and market our products not to mention manage the company.

So while I see talk here of options for the current team, I don't see anyone thinking of option grants to new talent.

Does the pool need to be increased for that reason?

If possible, I would support a freeze of option grants to current management over the next 12 months (thus reviewed at the next AGM), but if management deems it necessary to increase the pool, we listen to those request. They know what they are doing and I support them.

over 8 years ago
Re: POET TECHNOLOGIES (OTCMKTS:POETF) Shorted Shares Increased By 1.85%

Much ado about nothing. What a steaming pile of you-know-what.

In general, I think it's a good idea to ignore any computer generated stock commenting web site.

almost 9 years ago
Re: Alternate Theory- Some firings in order pronto

Someone remove this posting please. We don't need this kind of humour.

over 9 years ago
Re: Sam and Lee's May options

Nope. These are Sam and Lee's options. Issued at much lower strike prices.

over 9 years ago
Re: Sam and Lee's May options

Don't forget that the CRA says you have a capital gain at the time you exercise (not sell them) so at 2.5, Lee will have to pay taxes on a cap gain of $3,107,950 and Sam will have the same problem on a cap gain of $3,771,600. Assuming they are in Canada of course. Not sure of the story outside Canada. At any rate, this is why most folks sell everything at the time they exercise options ... they have to pay the tax and they can't take the chance that the stock drops because the CRA wants their money based on the price on the day the exercise.

over 9 years ago
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