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Someone sold 61 cents worth of TYHJF

Sold 6182 shares @ 0.0001, for 61 US cents.  Assuming the transaction costs were about $8.00, why would they do such a thing?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Someone sold today...

I put in a bid for 500,000 shares @ 0.005, good until cancelled, with my Fidelity broker.  I was told they are not accepting orders for TYHJF.  They gave no explanation.  This is strange...what gives?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Someone sold today...

I'm putting in a bid for 500,000 shares @ 0.005.  If executed, it will cost me $2500.

almost 8 years ago
Someone sold today...

1000 shares of TYHJF sold at 0.001, for a net of $1.00 before comissions.  Obviously an attempt to drive the price down for some reason.  Anyone have any ideas as to what is happening?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Tyhee Update

Why did the bank give Tyhee a lot of extra time?  What were their options? 

They could have pushed Tyhee into bankrupcy and they would have gotten back far less than the full amount they were owed. 

Or...they could have given Tyhee more time confident that Tyhee had the gold and that was their best chance to recover all of their money.  We are glad they chose this path.  They are a business, not a philanthropist.

Now...my question remains.  What does Tyhee have to sell for in order for the bank to ecover all of its money?




almost 8 years ago
Re: Tyhee Update

I doubt if the banks will allow Tyhee to hold on long enough to get a better price.  All they want to to get their money ASAP and don't care what happens to the stockholders.  Assuming the offers are adequite for them to recover their money, they are probably pushing Tyhee to settle soon. 

Does anyone know what share price will enable the banks to recover their money?


almost 8 years ago
North Carolina
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