hoghead's Profile

hoghead's Posts

Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Your principles might come back to bite you; and without CUU shares you have no principal to bring you any return.


My principal is elsewhere, TCK, FM, HBM, EIF, SXCP, MORL and BTE have treated me well, not so much with CXR.

Not that far away from recouping my nearly 90% losses here.

I really do hope it works out for all still holding...

Maybe see you again in a few months or maybe not?

If you can't bear it - there is always the new ignore function.

over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

Why just hope, buy some CUU shares and then it'll make sense for you to spend time on this board and make some money if your hope does come true. I thought you moved on already, but it seems it is a lot easier saying it than actually doing it, right? :)


LOL! I see some things never change :)

A total of 2 posts since May...

Man. I just can't move on, eh? I won't touch this stock again just on principal alone.

I still read this every once in a while and saw some obvious BS being posted so I refuted it.

Sue me for hoping this works out for the longs. Most people here are really good people - only a couple are a bit nuts continuing the neverending spin and conspiracies.




over 7 years ago
Re: Incremental demand for copper in China

So is Don and his board any different than ES/EE at blowing smoke up our backside?

Why can't people just be honorable enough to keep their word and do what they say they are going to do.


I agree with everything you are saying Golf, except the bit about Teck/Don not keeping their word.

Everything Teck has ever said or put in a presentation/website/NR has ALWAYS shown Schaft Creek at the bottom of the development pile. It has never been presented as something they were planning to move on, just something shelved for the future. That has been their guidance and they have been true to their word. Look at the copper section of Teck's website and SC is barely mentioned. QB2 and Highland Valley expansion are the stated copper priorities.

That's not saying that can never change (and I hope this eventualy does turn out better for those who are sticking it out), but my opinion of the crew running the show couldn't be lower.

Trying to justify his ridiculous salary by wasting cash reserves on the "other" projects is shameful IMHO...



over 7 years ago
Re: Level 2 depth/price anyone?

I would bet if all Elmer's claims and statements were compiled grounds for legal action could be developed. St a minimum prove his irresponsibility with his loose lips. What we need to do is get EE's attention to make some leadership changes.


There are retail shareholders holding about 200 million shares - CXR has two seperate class actions starting against them right now:



I lost 60k on this debacle and would love to get something back. Shareholders that suffered up to 95% losses after buying into the non-stop sunshine, not to mention the Vette/Elmer unnofficial information exchanges posted here that they couldn't claim to have been unaware of and did nothing to quash.

I'm still very bitter about what happened.

Bitter too about the massive salaries continuing to be paid after MASSIVE losses to shareholders. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ES being paid north of 300k/year in salary and benefits?

We were led down the path IMHO, we were not all stupid investors betting on a long shot - we were led to believe this was almost a sure thing. Remember the buyout expectations here? Nothing was done to reel in the expectations, and I think they maybe should have done something if the boards were running wild with unreaslistic expectations (for years).

One of the worst pump and dumps I can remember. Billion dollar losses on a junior explorer.

I can't believe I fell for it, and it was a painful and expensive lesson.

Could all this have happened without some wrongdoing along the way? I don't know - I'm not a legal expert.

It boggles my mind what a disastrous chain of events this stock has been through. Disastrous for many investors who trusted the information supplied and invested accordingly...

about 8 years ago
Re: ‘Fessin’ up… twice

I too observed the obvious rigging.

You contributed nothing of substance or value. Just consistent FUD. That's not DD. You contributed absolutely zero DD, absolutely zero, and no worries or concerns that we weren't already aware of.


Yep all FUD, wrong on everything - absolutely no contribution...

From your recent posts it seems you've come around to my line of thought.

Just won't admit it ;)

After following this story for 5 years, I catch up reading every once and a while - so what?

How many times have you lost your cool and said your gone/out?

over 8 years ago
Re: ‘Fessin’ up… twice

Quite awhile ago one of the members posted two messages stating he was doing a poll to see if his negative opinions were welcome or not. If we recommened one message we wanted him to stay. And if we recommended the other message we wanted him to go...

....I logged in and recommended the "go" message to even it out. Lo and behold if the stay message jumped ahead one vote as well.

It seemed obvious to me it was automated or there was some other nut case such as myself reading the forum at that hour, and voting exactly when I did.

We all know that we have members trying manipulate the stock. I just accept that and take it for what it is


I don't think thats fair.

I have never tried to manipulate anything, and to assume I somehow cheated those results is offensive to me.

Yes, I wasn't happy and spoke up regularly about how I saw things - but that was my perogative as a shareholder.

Don't slander me after leaving the forum.

How much was I wrong on anyways?

over 8 years ago
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