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HEY Headquarters--Cancel your Maple Leaf tickets

and refocus your attention to retail investors. I have been an investor in VIT since 2/07, initially employing funds acquired from KGC merger of Bema. As were many fellow longs, I was impressed with the potential plays in Nevada and the quality geologist staff which could locate, drill, and develop significant resources. Frankly, while pleased with the overall drilling results and thus potential for Cove - other Nevada properties have progressed at a lack-luster speed IMO. However, since '07, VIT has obviously acquired positions in the Yukon - with promises of actual production there in the not to distant future. Moreover, Windy Point drilling results are in theory forthcoming, which is yet another potentially positive development. HOWEVER, the messenger (VIT head quarters), particularly after Chad's departure, has been emulating U.S. traffic controllers...and are sleeping vs. sharing developments with retail investors.

I have been investing in PMs since '98 and currently own approximately 15 companies, one of which is GSS. Possibly VIT headquarters could benefit from reviewing the commentary below borrowed from the GSS board on the latter's disdain for the retail investor (please note "RETAIL INCLUDES THE PRESS"). My thought is a weekly or bi-weekly update on active projects. Guess I am rather old school....give me the facts (good, bad, or indifferent) then permit me to draw a conclusion versus attempting to play darts while being forced to wear a blindfold.

"Management may not think what retail investors think matters, but they seem to forget that retail includes the press. Today the Financial Post used JAG and GSS as examples of stocks that should be dumped simply because they're not worth the mental stress. The Financial Post reaches millions of readers around the world so its wonderful to be named as one of two gold stocks in an article titled:

"Sell dismal stocks and save money and stress"

This is what happens when you hide your head in the sand, make no effort to get a positive message out to the world and do nothing to tell your side of the story to anyone other than the institutional investors.

In Canada there is no greater insult than to have your company compared with the Toronto Maple Leafs, who year after year, despite being the best funded, best supported hockey team in the most hockey friendly city in the world, continue to produce total losers.

From article:

"This stock market cycle may be a little unusual for investors trying to decide whether to hold or sell, though, because stocks really haven't done very much for investors in general over the past decade. You might need to decide if one of your stocks is really a loser, or just a victim of market circumstances.

That being said, let's look at a few companies whose share price has disappointed investors for years, as the Leafs have disappointed fans. We make no call on the quality of neither these companies nor their future prospects, just, factually, that their price performance has been horrible for a long time.

"Let's start with gold stocks. Now, as you know, gold has gone up for 11 years in a row. There are plenty of gold stocks that haven't enjoyed the rally, however. Take Golden Star Resources Ltd. (GSC/TSX), for example. Its share price (all data from Bloomberg LLP) in late 2003 ranged from $5 to above $10. Golden Star's share price today: $2.95.

Also in the gold sector, consider Jaguar Mining Inc. (JAG/TSX). Seven years ago this week, Jaguar traded in the $5.25 to $5.80 per share range. Today? You can get those same shares for $5. Sure, there have been times when the stock price has risen dramatically, but long term shareholders haven't made much, if any.""


over 13 years ago
OT: Update of Global Gold Supply and Demand

Found this a rather intriguing article on the ever increasing positive supply and demand picture for gold. Hopefully by as early as next year VIT delivering its gold into this seller's market while in the meantime our "in ground" inventory continues to increase in value. Moreover, as noted by 3cpxbro VIT is only followed by a relative handful of retail and institutional investors. Assuming Chad and Raul deliver the goods, this ignorance by the market will inevitably change.


over 14 years ago
Re: naked shorting

Believe Dan's comments today from JSMineset may mark reversal day for our short friends:

"It looks like those hedge fund ratio trades finally blew up in the face of the hedgies – as I write this the HUI is up nearly 6% on the day versus a gain of 1.5% for Comex gold. That tells us all we need to know about that trade which has now gone south. It looks as if they overstayed their welcome. There appeared to be some unwinding of those yesterday but today there is a wholesale lifting of the positions. We will continue to monitor this to see if further unwinding is in store. If so, look for the gold shares to outperform bullion on a percentage basis until those trades are lifted and the hedge funds take their losses on the short leg. I would not be surprised to see them take the long side of a new ratio trade where they get long the miners and short the broader equities if the problems with Euroland persist. If that trade were to come into vogue, the HUI will easily surpass its all time highs above 500. Let’s see how this progresses."

over 14 years ago
Re: Head and shoulder breakout... How about having heart?

IMO, the below in a rather insightful article on the status of the junior mining sector. The author also has observations which I havenot seen advanced elsewhere and IMO have merit.



over 14 years ago
Re: Multiple Choice. - jj

Please consider the abundant number of promising potential targets from which Raul and company have to select. IMO, there must have been a compelling reason for them to have chosen a new site with KR1. Couple this with their remarkable exploration success, IMO are therefore in the neighborhood even though the first attempt may come up dry. After all, VIT is still a junior explorer which follows the adage of the higher the risk the higher the reward. Risk definitely exists with VIT, however, I strongly believe the risk reward ratio for VIT is one of the best in our junior explorer sector.


over 14 years ago
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