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haiyaku's Posts


Here's to a happy and prosperous New Year everyone!

over 9 years ago
Re: Oz!


I hope someone can answered your concerns. I certainly can't.

What I do know is that Edig is happy, Fred is happy, the lawyers are happy, and I am happy. The only ones that should be unhappy are the judge that had the decision overturned and the companies that have to shell out the bucks to us.

over 9 years ago
Re: Oz!

emit - I can't say as I haven't been paying attention.

over 9 years ago
Re: Oz!

Thanks, alve/Danl!

over 9 years ago
Re: litmus-test

Wasn't me, emit ;)

over 9 years ago
Re: Where are they now? Haiyaku

Ya'll haven't heard from MIR at all? Funny what we remember about people. I recall Mary-in-Red's rock wall that was featured in a NY newspaper and that she had a bunch of Jack Russell terriers.

I also recall another NYC Edigger whose name I can't remember but I can see her face clear as day as we sat over lunch. She had a garage filled with classic/antique Jaguars, plus her new one, of course. She was so proud of what then Mayor Giuliani had done to clean up the city.

I'd better stop nostalgia tripping and tend to my cooking ;)

over 9 years ago
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