groot_vader's Profile

groot_vader's Posts

Re: Ed Steer this morning

Added a word to the teeshirt,

See my picture.

over 11 years ago
Re: Who here is a man of good will?

Sorry, my bible says:

'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men .' "

Good topic for today,

A Blessed Christmas to everyone on this board, I lurk here often but dont post much



over 11 years ago
Re: Honest Money - an alternative- Safe

Carrots are better for you than Potatoes

Low Carb Vegetables
This list is roughly arranged from lowest to highest carbohydrate counts, but all are non-starchy and generally low in carbohydrates. Exact carb count depends on serving size. Remember when counting carbs in vegetables that the fiber is not counted, and can be subtracted from the total.

* Sprouts (bean, alfalfa, etc.)
* Greens – lettuces, spinach, chard, etc.
* Hearty Greens - collards, mustard greens, kale, etc.
* Radicchio and endive count as greens
* Herbs - parsley, cilantro, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc.
* Bok Choy
* Celery
* Radishes
* Sea Vegetables (Nori, etc)
* Broccoli
* Cauliflower
* Cabbage (or sauerkraut)
* Mushrooms
* Jicama
* Avocado
* Cucumber (or pickles without added sugars)
* Peppers (all kinds)
* Summer Squash (including zucchini)
* Scallions or green onions
* Asparagus
* Bamboo Shoots
* Leeks
* Brussels Sprouts
* Snow Peas (pods)
* Green Beans and Wax Beans
* Tomatoes
* Eggplant
* Artichoke Hearts
* Fennel
* Onions
* Okra
* Spaghetti Squash
* Celery Root (Celeriac)
* Carrots
* Turnip (see Carb Counts of Root Vegetables)
* Water Chestnuts
* Pumpkin

Starchy (High Carb) Vegetables
The main veggies to be avoided when reducing carbohydrates are the starchier vegetables:
* Beets
* Carrots (depends on diet)
* Corn
* Parsnips
* Peas
* Plantains
* Potatoes in all forms
* Winter Squashes (particularly acorn and butternut)

over 13 years ago
Re: Stunning statement? Anyone have the details?

"and that if he had any money he would short them"

Thats the problem, those who think that way, have no money!

over 13 years ago
Re: I smell a rat.....-good call

thanks,now what?bounce back,not for me,Im going on holidays to CA,hows the weather there?

over 13 years ago
Re: $36 Silver - Bankster's Waterloo -OT

JP mourge The biggest buyer of SLW today

over 13 years ago
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