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greenman73's Posts

Re: Two new patents granted


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Took a bit of searching but I found this.  I've e posted the url to save some time for people like myself who don't come here daily 

over 7 years ago
Re: Two new patents granted

I'm curious why the assignee is not poet technologies but rather opel solar and the university of Conneticut?

also, who is this co inventor Yan Zhang ?

over 7 years ago
Re: The options..... count me in

I certainly would not turn down the ability to buy shares at today's price and have 10 years to decide to exercise or not! I'd accept an offer of options equal to the 100 k shares I own. I'll tell you that for free.

about 8 years ago
Re: BB Photonics acquisition

Thank you for the clarification

Not sure why I had a dollar/share on the brain...was that the Denselight deal maybe?

oh well, so much for my "thought" :(


over 8 years ago
Re: BB Photonics acquisition

sorry, Hogan...I didn't say I "know" anything.

I said just a thought...

by "they" I was speaking of the founders and shareholders of BB which will be paid in shares on Friday. The number of shares is dependant on the share price at that time. So it's in their best short term interest to have a low SP on closing day.

again...just an optomistic thought that after Friday the SP "goes up and to the right"

over 8 years ago
Re: BB Photonics acquisition

just a thought...could the share price be manipulated to be kept low so then BB Photonics get more shares for their company when they close the deal?. I believe they close at a price of a dollar subject to exchange rate. Could it be as simple as after june 17th "they" will let the stock run and stop putting downward pressure on it? Theyll get a lot more shares if they keep shorting it into these depressed levels?!

over 8 years ago
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