greenfree1's Profile

greenfree1's Posts

Re: Schaft Creek on youtube


since you posted this link 5 days ago there have been 598 views. Not bad at all.

Back to waiting and dreaming.

over 11 years ago
Re: Schaft Creek on youtube

There is a lot of people watching it now; over 99 views in a few minutes after MES posted a link; thank you MES. People are hungry for any info on Copper Fox.

over 11 years ago
Re: Passport Potash vs Copper Fox Metals

Golfyeti, I agree with you 100% on this.

I am glad we have so many knowledgeable posters here; you are one of them. Thank you.

I am greatful for everything I can learn here. That knowledge helps me stay calm and look at the "expert's" info in a different light.

Our story will be clear to everybody soon.

over 11 years ago
Re: Passport Potash vs Copper Fox Metals

Chappy, I did not take it personally. I am glad I posted this interview because it generated comments from people like you.

I have always appreciated and looked forward to your intelligent comments. Because of people like you on this board I have learned a lot about Copper Fox and feel confident about my investment in CUU. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and experience with people like me who don't feel they have that much to share.

Greenfree1 (as in green $$$ from CUU soon to set me free).

over 11 years ago
Re: Passport Potash vs Copper Fox Metals

This was a new interview from March 19th, 2013. I listened to it because of Passport Potash and posted it on the Off Topic Forum (some people suggested it should be posted here so I did).

I did not say I agreed with all the info in this interview, just posted the link.

over 11 years ago
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