grandad15's Profile

grandad15's Posts

Re: Dr. Black a dubious character..(for Hansix)

Not Hansix, but this is an interesting find that needs to be evaluated. I am a licensed and practicing attorney in the field of property tax only. I am not a commercial or attorney or litigator.

THe appeal derives from the entry of a defualt judgment against Black and Interinvest. A default judgment means a party fails to answer a suit within the requisit period of time following service of process by the plaintiff. At least that is what it means in US state and district courts. In my experience, the entry of a default judgment against a party is the result of 1) the claim being too miniscule to worry about, or 2) the defendant is culapable, and there is no reason to answer before the court or 3) the defendant has an argument but can't afford an attorney to represent him/her, so the claim is ignored.

In this case, Black & Intervest are too big to hide and they can clearly afford representation. I think the more rational explanation is that they viewed this deal as a nuisance claim and probably had some culpability in failing to timely take care of the withdrawal request issued by Adobie. I think there was some negligence on the part of Black but I don't think there was any criminal or fraudulent intent. This is all just my opinion based on reading the posted Appellate Judgment.

i don't think there is anyway for any of us to make a resoned proclomation that Black is of some unique stellar character, but I don't think this case can be used to label him as a cheat either.

My view is that if his investment in Tyhee raises the share price, I love him. If his investment in Tyhee was the catalyst for the recission of the SRP and that raises the share price, I love him. I really don't care if he is a saint or a sinner, I just want to make some money off of this investment.

about 13 years ago
Educate me, please

By way of background, I am a relatively new shareholder in that I began acquiring in March of this year and have been strengthening the position since then. I have found following discussions on this board to be quite helpful as catalysts to my own indivdual research. Also, I am a relative newbie to the mining investment sector so my questions may seem elementary. My apologies for that, but you have to start somewhere.

First, to the critical question, is Tyhee going to (1) Build the mines, (2) Sell to a mid or a major, or (3) Fail for any combination of reasons.

My view of the facts and my assumptions:

The resource/geology is strong, economic, and consistently improving in both scope and economic margin. That's the baseline, and it's terrific. Permitting should not be an issue. Mine financing has been adequately discussed here, and it remains a bit of a question, but unless some insider weighs in, we are not going to know. I don't like the share structure, but that's a done deal at this point.

To me, the sub-questions, with which I need help are:

(1) What does the influx of institutional money mean? What does it mean when coupled with the poison pill removal?

(2) What does the industry (read experts, big players) think of our leadership? I have read a number of interviews and opinion pieces stating that geology is #1 and management is #2.

(3) Was anyone as concerned as I about yesterday's drop? I had a strong opinion that last week was the start of the run-up in share price. It may still be and yesterday may have been an anamoly in which low entry investors were dumping with a solid quick profit. I don't know, I'm too green in that regard.

(4) Has anyone done an analysis of Tyhee's share price life cycle against a baseline or a large sample size of other juniors and do those comparisons tell us anything?

Thanks in advance for your responses and your consistently interesting diiscussions.


about 13 years ago
Re: Anybody having issue with scottrade filling orders today?

Aaaah. Thank you. I forgot about the holiday.

about 13 years ago
Anybody having issue with scottrade filling orders today?

Have been trying to add to this position and some others today. Am buying on the ask and order not getting filled. Anyone have any thoughts?

Also, I'm not a regular poster but I follow the dialog daily and really appreciate all of your insights.

about 13 years ago
Re: Tyhee Head Count...How Many Are Reading This Board?

I am a new investor (last 60 days) and excited about this company. I enjoying reading the posts of the more veteran and informed investors. Keep up the good work.

over 13 years ago
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