gr8day44's Profile

gr8day44's Posts

Re: Try to be objective (re-Subhash)

Junkers, I just don't read his and others posts. Works for me.

over 7 years ago
Re: 18 Echelon new?

Echelon is actually a Canadian Company.

over 7 years ago

Since the upgrade of this BB, this place has slipped back into a SH like mentality. I have always only posted when i could add something of value which was not very often being a none tech savy person. So, I kept my mouth closed, I just wish more people could do more of the same, it would make this place more enjoyable.

Let's please keep the posts to the kind of things everyone is known for making this place so great.

Unfortunaly, all we can do as put these SH people on Ignore. It's not going to get ride of these guys and make this board get back to the respectability it was but it will be easier to read.

To all the disrupters on this board, please reconsider your ignorance and either post at SH where your negativaty is welcome or just tone it down!!

It must really suck, going through life being such angry and negative people. I almost feel sorry for you.


Good investing all.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Complaining

Brovo 1678. I was a pleasure to read your post. I agree 100%!!

almost 8 years ago

I wish some people would spend as much time reading the information given in the NR and see there is actually some real good stuff there, rather than spending all this time spewing insults and negative posts. Just unbelievable!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: 33 Canaccord

033 - Cannacord holding the SP in place while the US "Pt" Investors give thanks to our Rockstar management.


Could we please stop using this term! Very overdone and unnessisary.

almost 8 years ago
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