gotyernumber's Profile

gotyernumber's Posts

Re: How About ...?

I just read this on my S6....... oops.

over 9 years ago
Re: Can anyone tell me what Market maker is at bid and ask? Please...eom

At 11:08, BID: NITE 0.0500 70k

ASK: CDEL 0.0530 18k

about 10 years ago
Re: Are the missing settlements a good or bad sign?

I don't know about eh, but my problem is you are implying that there should have been a settlement by now, or a MSD, like some deadline has passed ..... WHOA! something is wrong, going against us, get out now, whatever. Anyway that is the impression I got, maybe you should have worded the title of your post a little differently.


over 11 years ago
Re: YEA! I have a new hero

One more try..... how about $115.30! ;o)

over 11 years ago
Re: Cost of the Markman delay

WHAT???? The Markman is delayed????? C'mon..... really......

over 12 years ago
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