goldore4567's Profile

goldore4567's Posts

Re: DenseLight: Bad reviews by own employees

One bite at a time. Give it a chance to develop. I don't think our executive team is serving kool-aid. These are highly experienced individuals, but we cannot know everything at the same time. Some see today's news as negative, or questionable, and that is their right, but I see it as very good, with excellent to follow. We just can't know everything at the same time, but I believe that they do. Yes, this can be frustrating, but given what this team has shown us so far, I have every confidence that "excellent" is on the way. I'm not trying to convince you, but maybe just trying give you a little hope. Don't stress about this too much.

over 8 years ago
Re: DenseLight: Bad reviews by own employees

Buy the company Hogan, not the opinions (of the market, or the trolls). Put blinders on, and ignore the noise. Draining of our cash assets is not the purpose of our executive team, but the positioning to generate large amounts of cash assets is. We are going to be great.

over 8 years ago
Re: DenseLight: Bad reviews by own employees

You are fortunate johnnybravo1 as we used to have many posters here who would accuse you of being from SH, and probably would have banned you by now, but they are no longer here. They have probably set-up a listserve, and are sharing with themselves only. Hold your shares if you bought them. Those shares will become very valuable.

over 8 years ago
Re: DenseLight: Bad reviews by own employees

Hogan, they have the ability to make things that the market is clamoring for. I did not buy what the market thinks, but rather, what the company is building for the future. Dilution? Did you include the $50 million "gift" of the recent investment in this business, and we now have that on our books as the added value of this event? This glass if half full, not half empty, and soon it will be overflowing.

over 8 years ago
Back Channel? Listserve?

We have so very many of the top posters with no presence here recently, and even today with this great news. Have all of you set up a back channel like a listserve? Can we be a part of it?

over 8 years ago
When everyone has time to digest this

we will see just how great, strategically great this move is. We have now entered the manufacturing arena to make our own products. We paid very little for access to this arena. Wait, and see how much revenue this place starts adding.

over 8 years ago
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