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goldigger's Posts

Just checking in

Hi all

It;s been a while. Still here, still holding on. Perplexed but not unduly worried. The value is in the ground where the share price sadly also is.

No point to panic now. This has to turn otherwise 1 billion tons of Phosphate costs just $50 million

almost 13 years ago
Re: My Observation

Thank you for such an excellent post. While it confirms exactly what I've thought for a few years now, it helps to read something that reminds me I'm not going mad or deluding myself. Even my rock of sense BigPhos has had a recent wobble; not that I blame you BigPhos. Some of us have been in the waiting lounge for e long time now!

I've taken to not checking Lgdi's price on a daily basis. I post less nowadays too because we are in danger of going around in circles. I do check in regularly with the forum for a catch up, though.As I said months ago it just takes for any one of us to sell 500 shares to one another to move the price around. This share is very illiquid at the moment, hopefully for the very good reason I believe, namely they have an inherent longterm real value way in excess of current prices. Only a short term day trader would play around at these prices. Good luck to them but I'm not interested in that game. I need to quote BigPhos 1 billion tons @ $1 a ton =-$4 a share. That in my mind is the worst case scenario. I think this will take time, maybe a long time but will eventually be worth far more than even $4.

In the meantime I think we all need to step back, stop setting ourselves up for disappointment by setting false goals and deadlines. This is not an exact science and it is progressing however slowly in the right direction.

We have a box full of treasure & a big bunch of keys. Sit tight everyone until we eventually find the one that opens it.

about 13 years ago
Re: Valid update

I have to agree with Big Phos that this is a valid update. Besides it seems more bullish and specific in tone. I know this has been painfully slow but let's also bear in mind that we have just been through the biggest financial collapse since the great depression. This scuppered Legend's original plan to just shop rock as the price collapsed. At this point I am sanguine about the future. Either we get instant gratification with a buy out or we get to be part of an enormously profitable cash generating company in the coming years.

I agree that what we cant wait for is to know what type of relationship we are in here and where it's going.

Now we know how women feel!

over 13 years ago
Re: Joe Gutnik needs to come clean

Hey Wengfu

Unlike many other boards, with whom I feel sure you are acquainted, here we try to play the ball and not the man.

Phosphate King, Big Phos and others have for years been sharing their thoughts, insights, frustrations and information with the rest of us. I have found them usually interesting and engaging. What we don't do is engage in a bar room brawl or hurl abuse at one another. Let's face it, if everyone on this board put all their shares together, in the large scheme of things they probably would amount, at best to a very small hill of beans. So I don't share your paranoid humpers and pumpers theory, because frankly it would be a waste of time.

What we have here is a civilised community which shares information, ideas, comments and thoughts in mutally respectful way. While we don't always agree with one another, we focus on the comment (the ball) not the poster (the man).

As a recent visitor I for one would appreciate it if you would conduct yourself with some decorum, build up some credibility first and not try to lower the tone by being just another angry man. Failing that, might I suggest you try out other slag-fest boards which produce much more heat than light.

Your style might have more to contribute there.

over 13 years ago

Well done Lgdi on waiting for a market sell off to announce your good news. Honestly!

over 13 years ago

Whoa some volume today! A whole 250 shares. Must be a hedge fund unwinding.

over 13 years ago
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