goldgirl's Profile

goldgirl's Posts

why are insiders dumping?

any ideas?

Rx Exploration Inc. (RXE)

As of December 30th, 2009

Filing Date
Transaction Date
Insider Name
Ownership Type
Nature of transaction
# or value acquired or disposed of
Unit Price

Nov 18/09
Nov 16/09
Venbanc Investment and Management Group Inc.
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
11 - Disposition carried out privately

Nov 18/09
Nov 16/09
Polinsky, Maxwell A.
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
11 - Disposition carried out privately

Nov 18/09
Nov 16/09
Nye, Murray R.
Indirect Ownership
Common Shares
11 - Disposition carried out privately

almost 15 years ago
Re: Remember Opawica???

I own Opawica. I do not see any increase in volume. Where's this coming from?

over 15 years ago
Closed up, try us again next year...

Maybe that's what the message is that this company is sending the shareholders? Well funded maybe but the purse strings have tightened and nothing is happening. Give us something. This has been too pathetic...are we just sitting on our hands or what??

What shabby shareholder relations...

almost 16 years ago
Re: This article offers some hope

We will be one of the first to rebound. Anyone who can buy now will be one happy camper in a year or two. This SP is a joke.


almost 16 years ago
Re: Nickel prices to rebound: analyst

Can anyone with the ability to do so, please give us a rough estimate of where the sp can go once production has begun? I would like to hear anyone's take on this.

I am still holding although not a happy camper having invested mostly in the .49 cent range.

Long term I hope to see Kim's promises come to fruition for us shareholders. I believe in the management of this company so I remain optimistic. So far they have impressed me and they are one of the best bargains in this market, set to be one of the first to rebound.

The fact that they are still plugging away while other company's have closed up shop during these tough economic times speaks volumes.


almost 16 years ago
Re: Any news on Atikokan?

I would love to know why people are just giving this stock away lately. Can't fathom a reason. Nickel prices dropped somewhat but this company is a mine in another year give or take. Anyone have any thoughts? I guess I should just be buying at these new lows. Thanks for selling..

about 16 years ago
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