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Re: New News

Long time reader, we are first time posters. Just have to comment on the NR and the comment about Murry. First off, we are heavily invested in SLI and have more than a dozen friends in this, all going long. We have had the privilege of meeting Murry about 1-1/2 yrs ago; and what I expected to meet was a slick, smooth talking, salesman type guy, that would be little scary. Seeing that Murry was just an average "joe", not the slick guy that I dreaded, gave us the confidence to invest the next day. We have met Murry and Alice numerous times since and yes, Murry's not the smoothest guy out there but he's upfront, honest and sincere.

On the last news release, you have to consider that SLI in now going to be reviewed by (potentially) 1000's of new investors. Their quote (StockMining Report) was that the shares could go to $3.50 in the next 4-12 weeks (& the share price was just over $2 when they made that announcement). Not a bad return considering most of these reports are very conservative when making these recommendations.

Also, of interest on that report, that Management Holdings were 33% of share volume. That has to be a huge confidence booster alone.

Hangin' in long & strong!!

almost 13 years ago
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